How to start a Hedge fund?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by joey juneau, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. impulse


  2. I can see you are not in the business.

    #32     Feb 25, 2017
  3. Absolutely correct-- in fact, there are many one man operations with 100% of the back office farmed out. So no need for the cubicles in the first place!

    Had no idea about indianapolis-- thought its only revenue was indy 500. :)
    #33     Feb 25, 2017
    OddTrader and Kel108 like this.
  4. zdreg


    #34     Feb 27, 2017
    comagnum likes this.
  5. Handle123


    So if your real time 3-5 year performances beats the S&P500 Indexes, smaller drawdowns and willing to start one's own hedge fund with few million, people are not going to care about the numbers? Investors only going to care about a novel new approach on how to make it? Geeze, America has really gotten screwed up.
    #35     Apr 18, 2017
    comagnum likes this.
  6. geedy


    Thank you for sharing the links. I have been thinking about how to start hedge fund for a while now. Looks like a complicated subject altogether. I will try to make some sense of it from these links.
    #36     Apr 19, 2017
  7. Sig


    I'm curious if anyone knows of any successful hedge funds that were started in the last decade by someone who didn't have previous finance industry experience or a rich parent? If so, those would be the examples to follow. I don't know of any but I'm not in the industry so there very well may be dozens?
    #37     Apr 19, 2017
  8. comagnum


    Or better yet become your own hedge fund - no cumbersome accounting to mess with or regulatory head aches. How to do it: live below your means saving 30-50% of your income - always pay yourself first, than the bills. Now trade up as you go. Before you know it you'll have more than enough to go at it alone.
    #38     Apr 19, 2017
    Mtrader likes this.
  9. Mtrader


    Start a fund for NON Americans and you don't need all this paperwork, audits, big expenses to comply with all the rules. But close it as soon as you have enough money of your own. That's how I did it. Funny is that my clients all came from an American broker but they were all non Americans.
    In hindsight it was stupid to start that fund. Would never do it again. Trade for yourself and forget the rest.
    #39     Apr 19, 2017
    ironchef likes this.
  10. prc117f


    I always wonder why do people give these people money to gamble away?

    That would be like you giving a stranger 50K to fly over to Vegas and spend a week there. They get all the fun and action, you just get the empty bank account. I cannot figure out why people hand HF managers so much money to underperform the index (At best) or lose it all.
    #40     Apr 21, 2017