How to set up an offshore account?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by traderzhangSan, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. say I have 500K $ account and I want to set up a company in offshore place such as British virgin island. Can I then use the company to open trading account ? how does that work?

    I am aking this for a wealthy friend.

    any idea?

  2. belekas


    Everything is possible when you know the right people.

  3. moarla


    first you need to say if your friend is a US citizen...
  4. moarla


  5. Bob111


    but the order is the same. setup is pretty simple.consequences (if you are US citizen\resident)are not
  6. No problem. Best method really depends on WHERE your friend lives & WHERE he/she intends to do business & which country he/she's citizen of.

    LLC's for trading??? Pfffft...