How to read this margin impact on IB

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by traderwald, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. Hi guys,

    I am trying to do a credit spread trade on the IB trader workstation paper trading account and got this as margin impact. How do I read this - what is the margin required ? Is it the first column or the second column or the third one that shows the margin required to do this trade ?


    Thank you
  2. Overnight


    I would guess the middle one?
  3. Amahrix


    Is this a naked spread?
  4. Below is a example trade scenario that I am trying and the margin window when I try to submit this. Is it possible to find which column is the margin column based on this ?


  5. Overnight


    That sound like a question for @destriero I've seen him posting about "diagonals" lately, whatever those are.
  6. I am not sure what a naked spread is - but I have posted the trade example above.
  7. Amahrix


    What is the price of the underlying? Can you give me the ticker?


    FYI: The way you have your diagonal setup will require more margin relative to a traditional diagonal. It seems that IBR is treating the margin requirement as if it is a naked option because of how you have it set up. The short option is typically front-month with the long option back-month. Your setup is opposite and margin requirement is being treated as if it is a naked option not a diagonal spread. Also check @commiebat comment at
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2019
    traderwald likes this.

  8. The underlying is ES - $3014
  9. Amahrix


    As far as I'm concerned you'll need to post initial margin at execution and maintain maintenance margin in your account throughout the life of the spread.

    The margin requirement calculations for IBR (USA) is found at

    Check & for more information about margin requirements and how they work.

    & check my edit in my previous comment.
    traderwald likes this.

  10. Thank you Amahrix,

    How does a short option short term and long option long term combo make money ? I presume it will initially a debit ? and then the Long option needs get ITM for the spread to make money ?
    #10     Jul 13, 2019