How to open 1000 charts in esignal

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by thehomecenter, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Using esignal I can open 500 charts up, but I must use 5 esignal pages to do so. There is a way to do this using one esignal page, but I do not know the trick. Could someone please give me information on how to do this. I am using XP software. The computer I bought can handle it with no problem. I seen the same computer open 1000 charts, but the company will not share their secret. Thank you
  2. The most I can open per page is around 170 charts, any more then that I get errors.
  3. Why would you want to?

    If you want to simultaneously study 1000 instruments you want to use something that doesn't (stupidly) insist that you open a chart for each one.
  4. i have to load my code into each chart to get alerts
  5. I know. You need to use something else. Maybe RadarScreen or some other real time scanner.
  6. 1000 symbols can be easily watched in Excel with a little VBA coding...

    Sound alerts can go off at price point buys or sells... entries, exits, stop points, etc... with a very low usage of CPU and RAM...

    I was doing this with an Equis-Reuters Lite DDE subscription for 2000 symbols... you can do this with eSignal but their DDE usage is kinda hard on CPU at 500+ symbols and up...

    HAVE STOP <img src=""> WILL TRADE
  7. could you please give more details on your setup? what's your connection?
  8. DDE connection to eSignals DDE server ... see this eSig page...

    Here is an GIG image showing a sample spreadsheet that is monitoring around 35 symbols as only an example of what you can do... alerts go off when the price is at buy or sell points... etc...

    You build the Excel cells and rows yourself and the data for bid ask last volume ticks is updated/provided 2 to 4 times a second by eSig DDE server...
  9. I mean how fast is your internet connection?

    Is it possible to use custom indicators/formulas via this esignal/excel method?
  10. I have done this with both DSL & Cable Internet at 2MPS... using a PC with Pentium 4 & with 4 gigs of ram...

    With the Equis-Reuters connection it was an insane walk in the park tender touch to my PC... their DDE with 2000 symbols only used 15% of my CPU on average and 22% on a few bursts during the day...

    eSig is not as efficient but its okay at 500 symbols depending on how many fields of data you are requesting...

    Yes Excel formulas and VBA code working together can pretty much match 95% of the custom indicators out there...

    HAVE STOP <img src=""> WILL TRADE
    #10     Jan 2, 2010