How To Destroy Death

Discussion in 'Politics' started by I am..., May 21, 2010.

  1. jem


    1. You state the bible is written from the standpoint of the snake.
    I would agree with you implicit point.... if you think the bible is written from the stand point of Satan... they it should not be followed.

    But , for Christ's sake please quote Christ more accurately if you are going to reference the biblical Christ.

    Christ did not promise that I must think I am God to have eternal life... he promised that if I act in faith on God's promises I will have eternal life.

    I challenge you to find a promise that says I must believe I am God in order to have eternal life.

    The thief on the Cross recognized Jesus' divinity.
    Abraham followed Gods request.
    Jesus says that I must eat his body and drink his blood to have eternal life.

    There are a few other promises... but to think I am God is the exact thing I am not supposed to do.

    In fact the whole premise of the old testament is that you should know who God is and that he is the only God, and that you know who he is by the fact he keeps his promises to the the hebrews.

    Remember when Moses was gone up the mountain and the jews went back to worshiping false Gods? Not good.

    Thinking you are God is the promise of the new age and the new media. It is the exact downfall of satan. Its is what Satan tempts man with.
    It is the conceit that brings damnation.

    Whether you take the bible seriously or you just observe it as a story. It should be clear to all the fundamental question Man has to deal with is...

    Will he worship man (himself) or God?
    You are preaching the same thing the serpent preached.
    #11     May 24, 2010
  2. I honestly don't think I possess the brain capacity to think in that dynamic.
    #12     May 24, 2010
  3. For the most part, yes. When it get's to the part where Jesus woke up, it was written by sleepers. So it's an interpretation of Jesus and what he stood for. The interpretation leaves the average reader with wrong impression. The bible gives you an unsolved Rubic Cube. Most readers assume the puzzle is solved and the text is clear. This is not the case. Unless you look at it with the Spirit of Truth, you will misinterpret it.

    Jesus should be followed out of an old way of thinking. Jesus' would-be followers were not ready to follow him at that time (out of an old way of thinking). Assuming they did (follow him out of an old way of thinking), and assuming they interpreted correctly what Jesus was all assuming too much. They still, for the most part, believed in sacrifice. Still portrayed Go(o)d as unmerciful. They still believed guilt was the truth (instead of the Truth). And they still died, despite intra-biblical references that they ought not to...if they truly understood what Jesus as all about.

    For Christ's sake, i will interpret the bible correctly, understanding that it itself is an interpretation that goes astray here and there. It is like a field in which both good and evil seeds have been sown. Swallow it whole and you will have a psychological problem. It's a psychic minefield. Step wrong, and put your trust in your own way, and you will blow your brains to bits.

    There's only one promise in the bible that means anything. It's the "promise of redemption", symbolized by the miraculous death-defying escape from a tomb. That miracle was not the redemption. That miracle was the promise of redemption...a sign of destiny. It is not accomplished without your cooperation. You must be willing to wake up, as Jesus was willing to wake up. You will not do this while you pretend the world experience is not a (bad) dream ( a nightmare) in the mind of Christ.

    The "promise of redemption" requires you believe you are Christ in order to have eternal life. Christ is a Being who knows his Self to be equal to Go(o)d, having come from Go(o)d. Christ, like Go(o)d, is Life. If you believe you are not Life, you must be believing you are something other than Life. What might that be? This, more than anything, was taught by example. The example is quite obvious. It's the interpretation of the example that makes this promise, and it's prerequisite agreement, obscure.

    Divinity is a Whole Totality. Jesus symbolized the Whole Totality. Once you recognize the Whole Totality, you will be saved because if Christ is a Whole Totality, it must mean that you are Christ. To the extent that you don't know that, you are in self-denial. That which denies itself is the "prodigal son". Self-denial leads to deprivation and suffering. That which denies Self is all of mankind, all of whom are suffering in one way or another. Every one is carrying a cross of sorts. Thus, Jesus also represented all of mankind when he hung on the cross. Mankind is hanging on a cross. Man uses euphemisms for his cross. He calls it, for example, "the world". The world is Christ crucified. Time is a tomb for a dead Christ.

    Abraham died in a traditional way. All you know about him is from dead doers of deeds. There are two ways to follow:


    Obey and die.
    Be and live.

    Obedience denies that there is only one Will...the Will of Go(o)d. There is no other Will, the Will of Go(o)d being a Whole Totality. Obedience implies that there is Go(o)d's Will, and your will. This is not the truth. Lay down your will as the lie that it is. Then you will be what you Will...with Go(o)d. Being is not about obedience. It's about Being how you are. Obedience is a way to pretend you are not who you are. Obedience implies you can go against the Will of Go(o)d by choice. This is simply not true, except in the imagination of the prodigal son and his offspring (mankind).

    Eating and drinking him is a reference to being him. It's about being one with him. It's about paying very close attention to what he is what he is Being. It's about identifying with Christ.

    Then you, like most of Jesus would-be followers, are too steeped in orthodox Judaism to follow his example/lead/way.

    Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is the whole premise of the old testament.

    Likewise, Jewish scriptures have become a false idol since Jesus ascended on high.

    Some people think that flesh and blood is Go(o)d, or is an expression of Go(o)d. Thus, they confuse what masks (veils) Go(o)d with Go(o)d. Man is not Go(o)d. Man is a mask over the face of Christ. Thinking the mask is Christ is where most thinkers go astray. Thinking you are the mask is also another way to go astray. You are not the mask, and the mask is not Christ. You are Christ...when you take off the mask.

    Pride goes before a fall. Pride is the attitude that, besides Go(o)d, there is another being, namely, another self besides Self. This is what "selfishness" is all about. It's also prideful to pretend to be something other than Go(o)d. Why? Because Go(o)d comprises a World of Equals. Equals are humble, being the same. To be something else, you must be special. The "devil" is the manifestation of a desire to be special. This leads to a fall because apart from Go(o)d, the only way to be special is down. The reason for this is because Go(o)d is a Whole Totality, as well as each Being in the World of Go(o)d. To be different, then, you must distinguish yourself by taking subtraction. If you subtract from perfection, you are asking for trouble. Mankind is the offspring of "the devil"...the desire to be special. Mankind is a mask that pretends to have the attributes of Go(o)d, specifically "real" and "truth". This is to be puffed up with pride. So man continues to fall as he listens to his "father". Subtract from the Equality of Go(o)d and you end up in a hierarchy fighting for position. The devil is a paradox that subtracts from Go(o)d by attempting to add to Go(o) have more than Go(o) be more than Go(o)d. It was never about being Equal, which is the status quo in Heaven already.

    I've just dealt with man's fundamental questions. If you don't find those in the bible, it's because the bible is not clear as you say it is.

    Whatever worship is, it is done in Spirit and in Truth. It is not done in temples made with hands, specifically, in bodies (temples made with hands). So, the only one who truly worships (worthships, values, appreciates) Go(o)d is Christ, who is both Spirit and Truth.

    Actually, you are maintaining the deceivers legacy at the moment. It would separate you from Christ. It has many psychological barriers to keep you from Christ. Apart from Christ, you will die. As Christ, you will live as Life. Therefore, lay down your so-called "life" apart from Christ. Only then will you be able to take up your life again as Life itself.
    #13     May 24, 2010
  4. Mark 13:5-6 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
    For many shall come in my name, saying... I AM CHRIST! and shall deceive many.

    Hmmm....Kinda sounds like he was talking exactly about YOU!

    I mean, you call yourself "I am..." and you sign off on your posts "Christ!" It's pretty evident that you are teaching false doctrine.

    So now that you are exposed you have two choices....Humility or Pride. You can humble yourself and say you were wrong, or you can let your pride take over and come up with some reason that the Gospel of Mark was written by a scribe that mistranslated it, or it was changed over the centuries or whatever else your pride will tell you to do to save the false god you have created inside yourself.

    I'm betting 2 to 1 you choose pride over humility.
    #14     May 24, 2010
  5. You should combine this with the teaching that, *Christ is neither here nor there*.

    What these sayings mean is that Christ is not an individual. I have been saying all along that Christ is a Whole Totality. Therefore, to isolate Christ to a single man is to deceive. This is exactly what your religion does when it isolates Christ down to a single man, Jesus. And then you point and say, "Christ is here", in Jesus...or, "Christ is there", in Jesus. Or you say, "Christ is there"...sitting in a body at the right hand of Go(o)d. Ridiculous! And deceptive.

    Then you say he's coming back to this world to be a hierarchical (Messianic) King...despite statements to the contrary, that his kind of Kingdom (Equality) is not of this kind of world (hierarchical). These kind of myths make Christ out to be a uniquely special individual near the top of a hierarchy. This attitude is actually against (anti) Christ.

    This was not Jesus' attitude. His was a universal application of Identity. For example, "Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren, you do to me". And, "Love your neighbor as your self". Assuming Jesus loved his neighbor as his Self, he saw his neighbor as Christ.

    Anyone who says, "I am Christ" to the exclusion of any living being is deceiving. Christ is a Whole Totality. Likewise, anyone who places their identity somewhere among a hierarchy of beings from high to deceiving. The World of Go(o)d is an Equality.

    So what i've done is i've turned the tables on you, and have shown that it is in fact you who are violating Jesus injunctions on how to think of his true Identity, Christ. The teaching legacy you follow has been doing this a long time. Just because they've been doing it a long time does not mean it's any less deceptive than it was a couple thousand years ago.

    So once again, it's evident that Christ is a Whole Totality that is masked by men. This is what it means, "What you do to the least of these my brethren, you do to me". So when you isolate, segregate, and are functioning against Christ and the Oneness of At-One-Ment that is prerequisite salvation.

    Jesus was considered one of the most humble of personalities. At the same time, he did not consider equality with Go(o)d to be anything unusual. Any other attitude has overtones of pride and arrogance...because Go(o)d is a Whole Totality. If you do not accept this fact, you actively deny it with your alleged state of being (ie. human beingness). You are, as a human being, at enmity with the Whole Totality of Spirit.

    As a Whole Totality, Jesus spread the wealth around. You overlook plenty of clues that spread Identity around equally, for example:

    "I am the light of the world." ~ Jesus John 8:12

    "You are the light of the world." ~ Jesus Matthew 5:14

    "My Father and your Father..." ~ Jesus John 20:17

    Therefore, it's just as deceptive to make Jesus an exclusive "Christ" as it is for anyone to come along and make exclusive claims on the name of Christ.

    I don't make exclusive claims in the name of Christ, for myself or for anyone else, including Jesus. I don't make exclusive claims on equality with Go(o)d. Equality is the truth. So I'm choosing humility by siding with the truth. You choose to turn the truth upside down, making light dark, dark light, and arrogance humility.

    #15     May 25, 2010
  6. I found some youtube videos of your kind that also claim to be Christ.

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

    Some other people that claimed to be Christ were Marshall applewhite of Heavens Gate that all killed themselves to get on the space ship traveling behind a comet.

    David Koresh from Waco, TX (we all saw how that turned out on TV)
    Jim Jones who organized a mass suicide in jonestown guyana
    Thomas Harrison Provenzano, a convicted murderer of two law enforcement officers.
    There is another guy I forget his name, but I think he is in arizona or new mexico(I saw this on a documentary). He claims to be God and has all these followers. First thing he did was tell everyone who was married that they were not married anymore and can only have relationships with him. He is currently in jail for statutory rape of a minor. He told them all the day the world would end. That day came & went and the world is still here.

    Oh funny how you cant respond to the bible quote without completely changing the meaning or adding words that i supposedly said so you can have a counter argument.

    So looks like the pride in you is strong. Your mind is obviously set on believing what you believe and it fights hard to change meanings so you can keep those beliefs.

    If you are equal with God or Jesus, then when was the last time you changed water into wine? The last time you walked on water, or created a planet in 6 days? Raised the dead? Surely you've done at least ONE of those things in your past if what you say is true.
    #16     May 25, 2010
  7. I've accepted what you quoted. You are introducing your own interpretation of what you quoted. You miss the meaning of what is quoted. The meaning is that no individual is Christ...not even Jesus. I've shown - intra biblically - that not even Jesus considered himself - as an individual - to be Christ. And this is because Jesus understood, as I do, that Christ is a Being that comprehends the Whole Totality of Everything. You can't be Everything and an individual person at the same time...unless you are deceiving yourself as to who you are. For that reason, every single person is deceiving himself as to who he is. The Whole Totality is the Truth. Everything else is a kind of lie.

    A world in which individuality is made to be "the truth" is a lie, yes, the whole world. So, when you, peilthetraveler, make yourself out to be an individual, and when you insist that you exist or that you as a person are somehow real, you are competing with the attributes of Christ. It is almost as if you are saying, "I am Christ"...whenever you insist that you - a person - are real and true. You aren't. Only Christ is real and true, being all there is.

    Those who assert "I am Christ" as if the title belonged exclusively to them, are not much different from any other self-titled individual. You may call yourself a "sinner". All you are really doing is competing with the Truth. Is it true you are a sinner? Is your sin "the truth"? Then its obvious you are competing with Christ for Christ's attributes.

    Likewise, when you make Jesus out to be a unique individual who holds an exclusive position in a hierarchy of are deceiving yourself and anyone who will listen to you.

    *Christ is neither here nor there*.

    You cannot pinpoint a location for Christ, who is everywhere and everything. The minute you try to pin a location on Christ, you are deceiving yourself and anyone who would listen to you. The minute you do, you are serving the purposes of what is against (anti) Christ. You and your kind have been doing this for a long time. A long time doesn't make your mistake right.

    No one person is Christ. Not even all persons are Christ. Christ is not a person nor a collection of persons. So your kind has been misleading us as to who or what is Christ. You think that by collectively claiming to be Christ you can make an exclusive club-like collection of persons Christ? How is this different from saying, "I am Christ"? It's just a collective expression of "I am Christ", made socially acceptable by sophistic rhetoric. People - personhood - is a mask over the face of Christ. Whenever you confuse the mask with what it masks, you deceive yourself and anyone who would listen to you.

    How may of the examples you put forth are examples of exclusivity? How many of them say "I am Christ" as an exclusive identity that belongs to them, and not to any others? If this is the case, why are you putting them up as examples? All they do is to give examples of variations on the same themes that you and your kind have been promulgating for centuries. What you don't notice, while you are throwing stones, is that you are throwing stones from within a glass house.
    #17     May 25, 2010