How to deal with quality issues?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by timeconscious, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. We are new in the business industry. We knew that our company will soon be dealing with quality issues. Its operations is really a challenge. For instance, people can be ultimately accountable for results and this is commonly a mistake in quality management. Do you know a new method to figure out where the problems are before it becomes tough ? For that matter, we need to know how to maintain a certain level of quality. Do you have strategies to share?
  2. Big AAPL

    Big AAPL

    What in God's name are you talking about.
    nonlinear5 and ET180 like this.
  3. I think probably the OP does have a quality issue! :)
  4. The primary problem is in laziness.Always is/will/been.From there go all the other issues
  5. Simples


    There are many many many dimensions here, and basically, what you're asking is: How do we go from being an average business to become a really successful business? Because with higher quality, you need owners willing to invest and customers willing to pay for it. It stands to reason you could write books on each topics alone, so will just mention immediate thoughts about this. But I believe you're right, quality is key in business and often woefully disrespected and neglected

    I think I understand the context you're coming from, because it is common in all industries due to simple economics and local optimization strategies.

    Ie. making someone accountable is a failed strategy, if that individual or team doesn't have the necessary means and connections to become successful. Organizing, funding and accomodating individuals and teams is what management is all about, so is a tell-tale of quality of management.

    Operations being a challenge may be real or it may be a perception. If you put the people together to solve the problems, you'll be able to show what is real and not, and come up with solutions. Getting all the interests together together is key to all methods, and usually methods are not required, just mature people willing to listen to eachother. This, instead of increasing marketing budgets to convince customers to buy more turd.

    1. Stop divide-and-conquer strategies and get people together. Don't let anyone play the blame game, but get them together.
    2. Accomodate whatever the team needs in order to become successful, ie. minimize blockers and dependencies at all levels.
    3. Ride the success of the team and coordinate with other teams and dependencies.
    4. Don't revert back into mediocricy.
    Of course, this might be difficult due to you yourself lacking the necessary means and funds, so is really a top management problem to solve.
  6. birzos


    Well you haven't provided much information, however, there was a story that a fund manager went to visit a company. The CEO took out a piece of very expensive letterhead paper, made some diagrams, and threw it in the bin. The fund manager went to another company where the CEO took some scrap paper and did the same.

    The fund manager invested in the latter, if the CEO cannot control their own expenses, further down the chain the employees will run riot. Vaguely remember it was from the Market Wizards. So if your CEO is not perfect in following the rules of quality, down the line they will be the same x10. Get a new CEO, a new job, or hire some management consultants who will kick the CEO in to shape.

    Unfortunately the latter are few and far between because most finance consultants want ongoing chargeable time so tow the line, not to drop in to fix fat tail events. Do know such management consultants (remote and onsite), but you have to be in some serious trouble, because you won't like what you hear, you won't want to believe it, and they will charge you a not so small fortune for the privilege.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  7. Unclear why you made this post on this site. However, Quality processes were put in place in Japan back in the 80's and Europe joined subsequently with the ISO 9000 processes.
  8. drm7


    Read the book The Goal. That will give you a framework.

    Then study W. Edwards Deming and the Toyota Production System for the details.
    newwurldmn likes this.
  9. kmiklas


    Total Quality Management
    Six Sigma
    ISO 9000
    Knowledge Management
  10. newwurldmn


    That was in reminescne of a stock operstor
    #10     Nov 10, 2016