How to chose your broker and platform: 101

Discussion in 'Trading' started by The newb, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. The newb

    The newb

    My question at this time is more on broker/technology side.

    First, I would like to know what are the most popular brokerage services for day-traders. We all know that every penny counts, but at the same time you don't want to be working with someone who can not deliver an adequate service. I know there is Shwab, E-Trade, Fidelity ( $8-13 per trade) or there is Sogotrade, Zecco, TradeKing ($3-4.50 per trade). What are the most popular day trading brokerages out there? Do professional day traders even use this brokerages? What are the most cost efficient and reliable choices for someone who is focused on equity?

    Second, I would like to ask about the technology that you use. Do you used the platforms provided by the brokerages? Do you get the Level II view? I am not even sure how powerful your PC/Laptop has to be.....

    I apologize for bombarding you with all this questions. Any guidance is greatly appreciated. If there is a link to a website or an earlier post that provided more information on this topic, please let me know.