How the world will end...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by I am..., Mar 14, 2008.

  1. No actually. The Son fails in nothing. It is the "perfect storm" so-to-speak. It looked at everything that the Son is not. It was the exploration of everything that does not work. It probed every possible outcome upon the theme of separation. There is nothing left to explore...'nothing new under the sun' so-to-speak. And its all 'vanity'. Despite what some say, it was not necessary for the Son's perfection. It is not how the Son expresses himself or knows himself. He does not need bad experiences to appreciate the good. The Son had no deficiencies before it began, and has not changed in the process of his detour into this strange concept called 'fear'. So there was nothing to learn, nothing to gain, and nothing to lose. It was an expression of freedom, that is all. Being free to begin with, it was an experience of freedom's opposite. It began with curiosity. It ends when curiosity ends. As an answer to a curious question, it is a "gift" to Self. It delved into the unknown. It was unknown because it was not real...never was...never will be. It was completely built on hypotheticals, thought through, right down to the last minute detail. "Man" emerges as the Son thinks through hypotheticals...literally thinking through the image of if the image itself were thinking. Its a closed system. Every hypothetical situation has been written as if scripted in a fictional story. The story explains "this is what happens when..." That is all. It doesn't really happen. Its all staged. And none of it matters. It won't be repeated because the 'mistake' was a success. There is nothing more to explore in the realms of nothing...down the dark corridors of meaninglessness.

    I speak in past tense because it is actually finished already.
    Your experience of its ending awaits the fulfillment of your role in its ending.

    #11     Mar 14, 2008
  2. it's a cruel lesson in exploitation, tyranny and intimidation. i get treated better by my broker
    #12     Mar 14, 2008
  3. No actually.

    "...and that you have the power to create a reality to survive" - Ramtha

    Reality has already been created. It won't be recreated. Neither does it need improvement. It merely calls for extention. What Ramtha is promoting is not officially what is 'creation'. His is the domain of consciousness. I am about going beyond that. His is how to make adjustments in the experience of perception within consciousness, using similar mental processes that manipulate perception in the first place. What we fail to understand is that it is these processes that got us into this mess in the first place. We would not be attempting to survive had we not used the power of the mind to "create our own reality"! Make your own fantasy is more like it. And what has it gotten us?

    What Ramtha calls "reality" I call "illusion". Illusions are interested in survival, and with good reason. Illusions live on borrowed time. Time is borrowed from the mind that empowers the illusion. Ramtha and many other guru's are attempting to teach how to access more power from the mind which powers the illusion. Of course, this is the mind of the Son. But in the way they are intending its use, it is a misuse of mind-power.

    More power to 'em, I say. They are aspects of the mind that makes this world, and they are entitled to make their own fantasies as long as they like, to the full extent of the mind that empowers them. But it will always entail struggle because there is a dark side to a mind interested in fantasies opposite reality. And it will tend to subvert your efforts...its own efforts. No sooner you gain some ascendency, it is willing to toss you back down to the ground. Whatever you get in the name of the fantasizing mind, it is intent on taking away. It operates by law of deprivation.

    Ramtha is an old warrior. Moroni was an old warrior. Sounds like the battle to survive is not yet over.

    #13     Mar 14, 2008
  4. Indeed. (Not to be confused with Ramtha "indeed").

    If the intent is to explore experience opposite or other than himself, these are pretty much what his options are. That is why I say that the world is a picture of the crucifixion of the Son of God. And he does it to himself.

    So its good news that he also brings it to an end not dependant upon time.

    #14     Mar 14, 2008
    #15     Mar 14, 2008
  6. The paradigm you hold is not accurate or fair at the moment. Let me reiterate this misconception about "lessons" and "learning". Our Father would indeed be cruel if this were the price of perfection...of knowing our Self. It is totally not necessary.

    The Son of God was created with full knowledge of everything. The Father does not teach him anything because he already knows it. To teach him anything implies inequality, and that would promote an untruth. The Son is equal in every way to his Father from the instant of his creation. It is not like the human paradigm where kids 'grow up' to be like their dad. This is a rediculous parody of reality.

    When the Son stepped into the unknown, he made himself into a learner. He learns every inch of the way in, and learns every inch of the way out himself. It is not any kind of "lesson" his Father would be involved with at all. It is totally a self-crucifixion and a Self-resurrection. And it was totally unnessesary. And did I mention it was not necessary? It was a useless journey to nowhere and back.

    Finally, the Son was not created without his consent. Again, the human paradigm cannot be used as a comparison because it is a farcical parody which mocks true creation. The Son gave consent. How that can be is banished from the realm of consciousness. Learning is a farce relative to the Son's reality. He still does not need to be taught by his Father. His Father still does not teach him anything. He is not involved in this at all, except to have provided a Guide back out at the instant it all seemed to begin. It was accomplished by actively ignoring the Guide out, who was always there from the beginning.

    Who teaches the Son is his equal. And He teaches him to remember equality. His Teacher is an aspect of himself. I have called that Holy Spirit. But it is Self which has never forgotten the truth, and will remind the wayward aspects of itself of the truth until the nightmare is over and he wakes up.

    We are not here to learn. We forced learning upon ourselves. We learned our way into a labyrinth, and must learn our way back out through guidance from Self. We wanted it this way. We got it this way. There are no rewards for learning our way out except a return to what we were before. That is certainly worth going for, but it is not a 'reward' for some test.

    Likewise, there are no punishments. Our Father does not give any awareness to what this is about. He has never condemned and never will. It is a self punishment for crimes not committed...crimes conjured up merely to enable an excursion away from reality. The Son has condemned himself. And so he must forgive himself. It is a private affair, and intended to be so. Father's awareness and esteem of His Son has never changed, and never will change. All is well in the Kingdom.

    #16     Mar 14, 2008
  7. I can see what you are saying, the trick in such ideas or similar ones is that all the blame is placed on the person himself and at the same time all power is given to the person, so there is no one left to be responsible for anything but the person himself, since he is literally the creator of the illusion and all the suffering that he goes through

    but still in your philosophy one can ask the question of why God created the person in the first place, even if there is no purpose he seems retarded to have done so, I'm pretty sure you are going to come up with something to try and answer that, but the easier way is to just eliminate the part of God creating humans, and going on with a story like this; [we are all God we are one, though we do not know this because we are in an illusion created by ourself (God) some gazillion years ago, why?, God got bored of being God and having everything so he decided to see the taste of being a mortal being, to do so he had to create a body for himself to live in and forget what he is, and bla bla bla]


    also note that though you have preserved my previous post, the actual post has been deleted, that is what i mean by i am sick of people supporting that retard

    i know the moderator might come out and say no i deleted because your post was off topic or it was disrespect to others believes, but i don't buy that crap, first off there are so many off topic posts on this forum, and second had i said that crap to Barney would you still delete that shit calling it disrespect to others believes, and I am pretty sure alot of people still believe in Barney, dude it's fucking America they believe whatever


    I have seen so many foreigners say we came to America thinking people are wise enough to forget about God and were disappointed to see these idiots caring about God more than the morons of our own country
    #17     Mar 15, 2008
  8. What is different about what I've been saying is that Father did not create the "person" in the first place because that would be "retarded" and without purpose. I don't know how you might have overlooked that since I have been repeating it here for a long time.

    So your scenario in brackets is actually closer to what I've been saying all along. Except "bored" was not the motivation. It was more like curiosity about a tiny mad idea. One step led to another which led to a watershed of hypothetical constructs. Consciousness, guilt, fear, blame, condemnation, panic, need, survival, perception, faith, belief, energy, matter, time, space, form. These are all hypotheticals, flowing in logical pattern from the founding premise: Separation.

    Chaos ensued, followed by an attempt at 'salvation' through order imposed on chaos. Out of this 'hell' emerges physicality and...drumroll! By the time man arrives on the scene, the consciousness that makes him is already a bloody mess. Can we expect man to be much better? Like produces like. And what produces man becomes his "god".

    Man is an enigma wrapped inside a riddle. Legion and weak, he substitutes for the Son's unity and power. Man's death is his makers fanatical intention to kill the Son of God. Over and over it tries, and over and over it fails. Meanwhile, the very presence of the body phenomenon that is man virtually destroys the mind that holds the thought of it.

    The self-deceptive attributes of the body-phenom cripple the one mind by dividing it into separate, warring factions. The introduction of the body as a new, strange, and foreign level of mind-stuff, virtually sealed the psychological destruction, rendering it unable to rise up and heal itself.

    Into this mental maze of madness emerges "light" and a Spirit Guide. And little by little, the mind extricates itself from a Harry Houdini-like drama depicting an impossible situation.

    Once again, these are all hypothetical constructs. If you denied any of this ever happened, you would be telling the truth. Yet while it is experienced, you would swear it is all too real. But then, that is the power of the Son. In the blink of an eye, a wish becomes a belief becomes the whole universe of stars man thinks is his entire world. And yet, it never amounts to more than a belief to be laughed at and forgotten. No sooner it is thought of it is dismissed as worthless.

    It seems that man suffers for this. And yet, each is empowered to bind himself further, or release himself completely. In each man is the power of the whole, locked inside by a prison of his own beliefs.

    Our Father created only an Equal. The Equal is the one who became curious about alternatives and shot himself in the foot. Spirit does not have a foot to shoot. So mind, divorced from Spirit, made "man" out of itself. Man expresses all of the alternatives to the reality of the Son. Only the Son is real. The alternatives will never be real. Yet the mind that makes them is real, and worth salvaging.

    Can there be any blame? Can you blame the Son for your suffering? Can you forgive the Son? What if you are the Son? Can you forgive yourSelf? Can you blame Father for giving you ALL power in heaven and earth? Blame him for giving the Son Everything? Can you be mad that the Son is the Kingdom of God? Can you be angry that the Kingdom of God is still within you unchanged? Upset that your power has never diminished but only hidden for a little while?

    Man is not to blame. But he must take responsibility if he will ever take back the power the Son hid from himself. This requires an accurate assesment of the situation. There is no margin for error. Only a sane mind can get hold of what seems to have been lost. Responsibility is simply a fact. Nothing can happen to the Son of God without his own consent. Man, even though he is an alternative expression of the Son, is protected by this very fact. His predicament traces back along a decision tree, back to the original premise, and beyond that, to the Son of God himself. Yet the return to sanity requires him to ditch the flesh in exchange for the lay down his supposed "life" that he may take it back again as the immortal Equal to the Father that he is.

    Is this crazy? Yes, perhaps. Unfair? No! Never has there been any injustice despite appearances. And by God's justice, you will be restored to your glory and power, forever and ever.

    Your F U response is based on a belief in a hypothetical unfairness. Be it known: This is how the Son got himself into this mess in the first place! It is not based on the truth. The world is fundamentally an F U response to Self. But to respond this way, he must have divided into partitions, each swearing at the other...each swearing never to release its stranglehold on the other. Swearing never to join. And this wrought a "F-U-B- R" universe . Just look at the Middle East. I rest my case.

    I invite you to join in the restoration.
    It is the restoration of YOU and YOUR POWER.
    See what it has wrought, and reconsider.
    "Know thy Self. "

    #18     Mar 15, 2008
  9. man


    you are unique, J.
    #19     Mar 20, 2008
  10. Thank you.

    This occurs only temporarily. I call it "specialness", an idea that builds this world, making it the hell that it is. In the undoing of this world, everything the Son made to build it is being used to deconstruct it. So specialness may serve this purpose. The goal is a return to equality. In equality, the word "unique" has no meaning. I am equal to my Father, and my brothers are all equal to me. All share everything. There are no differences. Each is a perfection which cannot be added to or taken away from.

    The idea that one must lose for another to gain is alien to the Kingdom, but a foundation for this world. Salvation is rebirth of the idea no one can lose for anyone to gain. And everyone must gain, if anyone would be a gainer. This restores sanity to the mind that makes this world. This is the rock on which salvation rests.

    The Self I call the 'Son of God' directs the steps of all who fulfill a special function in the salvation of the whole. He directs as they are willing to be led. In him, all are equal. And as each fulfills his special function as orchestrated by the Son, it will be seen that the salvation of the Son's wandering mind depended on contributions all equal in value to the goal. All will fulfill a special function, sooner or later. None will leave the "wheel of life" until that role is fulfilled.

    Time is finished. But each one's experience of the end of time awaits only his willingness to step into his special function in the undoing of the world. It is not a path of, or a path toward pain and suffering. It is not a path of sacrifice. No, it is a path away from these, which shows them to be meaningless.

    I am grateful for the unique, but equal contributions of all who participate in the salvation of the Son. The sooner the better, relative to the end of his suffering upon the cross of time and space.


    #20     Mar 21, 2008