How the American Worker Got Fleeced

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. gwb-trading


  2. So now it's a problem that all these "woke" corporations are screwing their employees? Manufacturing has been taking it up the ass since the 80's.
    A higher minimum wage doesn't fix this. What fixes this is the abandonment of Ronnie Rayguns bullshit trickle down theory and just start paying a more equitable wage across the entire company rather than giving it all to the do nothing boardroom boyz and hoping the greedy fucks will allow some crumbs to fall off the table.
  3. Cuddles


    that's lefty talk cap'n. You'd be voting dem. if you believed that.
  4. Democrats abandoned the average worker decades ago along with Republicans. Lots of lip service and empty promises that never come to fruition. All bought and paid for by their corporate overlords.
    Go check my posts. I been consistent on this message my whole time here
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