How not to do business in China

Discussion in 'Politics' started by james_bond_3rd, May 20, 2008.

  1. The ignorance and stupidity of this post is beyond belief. The earthquake region is mixed Tibetan-Han. A large fraction of victims are Tibetans. I would wager that Tibetan deaths probably exceeded 10,000.

    How is that "karma for China to occupy Tibet?"

    BTW, you didn't see any hesitation on the part of Chinese government or military when trying to save Tibetan lives. Also the media has been completely racially blind in terms of reporting victims. When did you see any journalist separate out Tibetan victims from Han victims?

    Unlike Bush during Katrina.
    #31     May 20, 2008
  2. U.S. media only reported U.S. donated
    0.5 million to China. But they never
    reported China donated to US 10 times of
    that last time.

    You thought you are generous, why don't you just give back the 5 million? How could this be generous? Brazen and shameless!

    #32     May 20, 2008
  3. A lot of times if you take the nation factor out of the equation things will get clearer.

    So let's say US had a 3 days of mourning after Katrina or 9-11, you went to the old WTC site and saw Disney figures dancing and bouncing around handing out balloons, would you consider this as a sensitive behavior?

    It is not really b'coz I am a Chinese that I get sick. Even if I was an American, I would be pissed off by the way the way the big guys in MNCs behave as they really hv no brain... the way they handled it is a huge destruction of goodwills overseas.

    #33     May 20, 2008
  4. sg20


    Karma relates to the natural phenomenon of cosmic forces, but on the other hand communists don’t have any religion, am I wrong?

    China should pull out of Tibet, stop interfering in the ethnic cleansing in African nations as well as helping to persuade the Mayanma government to allow international aid to its suffering citizens; it’s all bad Karma for China. As a consequence, China should try to help itself rather than a little protest to show displeasure that you don’t get enough aids.

    Chinese tend to whine on little things because it’s a chance get out and shout to the world for attention, “we need help; we are being oppressed by our own government.” If you want to have feel for what it’s like to live in the free world, just look at the bird happily singing in the cage; is he happy because he can go where ever he pleases or because doesn’t he know any better?

    #34     May 20, 2008
  5. Many dead people are Tibetan Chinese,
    is this Karma?

    You sicko.

    #35     May 20, 2008
  6. Are you z10's sock puppet? You sound like him.
    #36     May 20, 2008
  7. sg20


    No, just don't like communist monkeys running around on the internet. In fact, normal Chinese citizens are not allowed to use the internet so you guys must be from the secret police don't you.

    #37     May 20, 2008
  8. sg20


    I am no expert in Buddhism but every action has it's consequences. You guys should try to get closer to the Chinese root which is Taoism and Buddhism in nature not communism; you will come out better IMO.

    #38     May 20, 2008
  9. What, do you live in the stone age? China has more internet users than the US
    And that was two years ago. Are you a real trader? Because if you are, you should know what NTES, SINA, SOHU, BIDU mean.

    Oh, I see. You're from the FBI. Your ignorance is forgiven then.

    And BTW, I run a business in China but that doesn't make me a Chinese. Just more informed than you are.
    #39     May 20, 2008
  10. wohc


    Please don't abuse the word "karma" if you just wanna say something bad about chinese government. BTW, using a disaster as a ground for your political agenda is cold-blooded. Whenever there is action there is karma, so karma will come to you as well. Good luck.
    #40     May 20, 2008