How much time you use to trade per day? How many markets and how many setups?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by manyit, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. manyit


    Can successful traders share with us

    1. How many hours or minutes you trade per day to make a living?

    2. How many markets you trade for?

    3. How many setups you use?

    Thank you.


  2. 1. about 6-7 a day

    2. naz/nyse/amex/otc/pink mostly

    3. don't use any set ups
  3. the more i trade the more i lose. i used to make my money with a couple of trades a day when vix was a touch higher. and were really good am strugglin' to make 300-500 dollars a day. get shaken out of my positions waaay too often: lettin' my profits run has worked against me big time durin' these tight ranges mkts.

    by the way, was et down for a hour or so, or is it just me connection gone to shite?
  4. I couldnt connect for like 30 mins either until just now.

  5. 1. just a few minutes. Most my time is spent watching.

    2. stocks

    3. one. I just look for gaps
  6. 1. just a few minutes. Most my time is spent watching.

    2. stocks

    3. one. I just look for gaps
  7. Mr B

    Mr B

    1. my systems generate signals depending on activity so it could be 1 minute it could be all day

    2. forex

    3. 3 systems - 1 sideways, 1 trend, 1 counter trend. the idea is that when you back test them together you get a smooth profit curve as opposed to the ups and downs of a single system