How much of your taxes go to waste on welfare cheats ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by futurecurrents, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Just curious, who did you "report" him to?
    #61     Mar 12, 2012
  2. Well, if one doesn't want to live by the moral precepts of a nation they can always leave. Maybe move to Somalia where they can live unfettered by a big bad government asking for 1% of their taxes to help their fellow citizens.
    #62     Mar 12, 2012
  3. I have a problem with the theft of 99% as an excuse to give that 1% away.
    #63     Mar 12, 2012
  4. achilles28


    There's nothing moral about excessive taxation. The American Republic (you claim is socialist), was born out of a tax revolt against England, over no more than 20%. High tax rates only became the norm ~30 years ago. Until then, America enjoyed incredibly low taxes and limited Government, which not coincidentally, created the abundance of wealth you now take for granted. The problem I have you with Lefties (and some neocon warmongers), you have no idea how wealth is created. Do you know how wealth is created? No, you don't. Because of that, you have no idea how it's destroyed, either. So out of your noble desire to help others, which is admirable, you do so by robbing Peter to pay Paul (which is immoral = theft), and destroying the very principles that allow wealth creation, to begin with. It's a very short-sighted, naive, foolhardy way of doing things. Cutting off the nose to spite the face. Burning the furniture to stay "warm". Dumb.
    #64     Mar 13, 2012
  5. Who is robbing whom? The middle and lower classes have seen their incomes stay stagnant over the last thirty years while the very rich have gone up 300%, largely due to tax policy. Money is political power. The money they made was made possible by the structure of the nation of which we all are part of and build. I don't think the lower and middle income classes should have a tax increase but the top 1% can certainly afford it. Many of them are sitting on piles of gold. How does that help the economy? This idea that if the rich are taxed a little more the economy will suffer is mostly nonsense. They were taxed higher during Clinton and we had a balanced budget and there was huge investment activity. Money supply is not the problem now anyway. Money is cheap and corporations are sitting on lots of it.
    #65     Mar 13, 2012
  6. Daxtrader


    #66     Mar 13, 2012
  7. Daxtrader


    What do you think happens to the money sitting in banks? I forgot these rich folks keep vaults like scrooge mcduck so they can swim in their money.

    #67     Mar 13, 2012
  8. Is "charity" that others pay for the only charity you libturds can conceive of?
    #68     Mar 13, 2012