How much did SAC lose on Volkswagen?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by mingsphinx, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. W4rl0ck


    Bravo Porsche!

    Nicely played. :D

    BTW NOTHING will happen to Porshe over this. Naked shorts get the screwing of a lifetime. It's ALL good.
    #51     Oct 30, 2008
  2. 6 billion is way too low. Shares in Volkswagen surged past EUR 1,200 from EUR 200 before the squeeze ended. The funny thing is that the shorts appeared to be succeeding just before the squeeze was initiated. The losses were huge and this was a trade that SAC probably entered into only in October after they had liquidated their long positions. And now Steve wants to raise more money. Has anyone gotten a term sheet from SAC? What have they said about this?
    #52     Oct 30, 2008
  3. here in Germany things are treated maybe a little different. My understanding is, that IF Bafin finds Porsche guilty of breaking the rules Porsche will be fined for that. But the much heavier part is that after that, hedge fonds who lost money on the trade can go to court against Porsche directly and claim to get their losses paid because the reason was Porsches miss-behaviour. Its simply German law, even if some people here are applauding to Porsche now. I don't know why people here hate hedge funds so much, I don't care about them. If there is a way to make money I take the chance. In my understanding from this situation the best thing is to short Porsche. Right now all those super smart traders have calculated how much Porsche will profit from the selling of the 5% stake at 500Euro or about thats why Porsche stock was lifted so much last 2 days. Problem is, they will never be able to keep that money and will most likely loose much much more.
    But OK, I think I am the only one here thinking that way so I will shut my mouth now and let the other people cheer Porsche for how many Hedge funds they killed, bravo. Poor little boys.
    #53     Oct 31, 2008
  4. bontrjd


    #54     Oct 31, 2008
  5. W4rl0ck


    Get over yourself Hansel.

    What part about naked shorts don't you understand?

    So they got ass raped. You play with fire you might get burned. QED.

    #55     Oct 31, 2008
  6. Oh baby! Sweet heart hunny buns! Are they all like you where you come from? :D

    Even if the squeeze happened in the United States, no one will be getting their money back. Go to court against Porsche? Sweet child, at this point SAC does not have the money to take on one of Germany's industrial champions on its home turf. Even if SAC has the fire power, do you really think that the Merkel administration is going to side with SAC on this? There will be investigations and more investigations, but what do you think will come of it?

    It was the brokers who bought in on behalf of their clients and under the rules of any stock exchange they do not have to bother with the price they closed out the positions. I do not think that any of those affected were allowed to buy in at a price anywhere near EUR 500 a share.

    Clearly Porsche did not act alone on this. Continental European ambivalence to 'locust capitalism' is well known and no one is going to feel sorry for SAC. The money has been taken. Steve is not getting it back.

    #56     Oct 31, 2008
  7. Loophole. :D :D :D

    #57     Oct 31, 2008
  8. you know, I was short Bear, covered, rolled, got short again, and then the ten dollar offer came in. I made money, but not as much as I should have.

    Now, it seems the Director of Enforcement, Linda Thompsen, tipped her predecessor, Stephen Cutler, who was employed by JPM per his law firm.

    Foul??? Yes. Does she got to jail? Hope. Do I get my money back? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

    No. Get over it. We are playing against Governments, and you have to factor that in.
    #58     Oct 31, 2008
  9. so do we have a reliable source that SAC was involved with size?

    What happened to him being in cash and telling his traders to go home and come back in Jan?
    #59     Oct 31, 2008
  10. I'm no official spokesperson...

    But I'll start with a question with... how the hell does it affects all of your trading. I wonder why people trade to start with...

    That said... the loss SAC had is not huge as all you suckers wish. The majority of the reason is all the brokerage short list's size limit has reducing due to the macro-economical issue. The brokers have a larger risk of holding a "normal" position size within their short list so they reduced it.

    Also, the volatility and uncertainty (of course, the market tendency being unstable has caused the quantitative risk to increase = less size) caused the market exposure to reduce along with it.

    That said... (again)... the decision to hold off on a lot of their models (news about going cash) caused the impact of the outlier "manipulation" to the minimum.

    They've been hit... but not hit in a sense of "being pounded".

    If you are envious of their success, take that energy to become a better trader. You're wasting your time.
    #60     Oct 31, 2008