How Much $$$ Are You Managing?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by paysense, Aug 23, 2009.

How Much $$$ Are You Managing?

  1. I actively manage 1-25% of my net worth.

    18 vote(s)
  2. I actively manage 26-50% of my net worth.

    12 vote(s)
  3. I actively manage 51-75% of my net worth.

    6 vote(s)
  4. I actively manage 75-100% of my net worth.

    45 vote(s)
  1. Not sure how many members will post, but I hope to get a gauge on where the "elite" trader is classified in managing their wealth.

    Which category are you currently in?

    • <b>I actively manage 1-25% of my net worth.</b>
    • <b>I actively manage 26-50% of my net worth.</b>
    • <b>I actively manage 51-75% of my net worth.</b>
    • <b>I actively manage 76-100% of my net worth.</b>

    Also, please state your reason(s), objective(s), goal(s) and years trading.
  2. It would be nice to get a few more respondents.
  3. The answer is none of your damn business, LOL. :p
  4. I actively manage 100% of my net worth,up over 1000% the last 3 years,trading is easy,just double up
    Just for reference,no advertising intended
  5. I currently run over 1 billion dollars.

    But buy my book and DVD for a limited time... only 49.99!!

    Refer a friend and get the second one at half off!!
  6. Well I guess we won't be getting "Mandy's" vote.

    But for those that did respond (and I hope more will):

    I actively manage 1-25% of my net worth. 5 23.81%
    I actively manage 26-50% of my net worth. 6 28.57%
    I actively manage 51-75% of my net worth. 2 9.52%
    I actively manage 75-100% of my net worth. 8 38.10%
    Total: 21 votes 100%

    I think this appropriately supports a mix of budding and accomplished talent here at "Elite" trader.
  7. Just out of curiosity, how do you convert answers to your poll questions to conclusions about the "maturity" of people's talent?
  8. Millionaire


    If you are good trader and start out with say 20% of your net worth undermangement.

    After a few years of compounding that is going to turn into almost 100%.
  9. Exactly, so if a large constituency of ET'ers is managing their full net worth, by now they are accomplished - sharply in contrast with standard trading success ratios.

    No one in good conscience should risk much into an unproven trading approach. Of course we can't know for certain that these are all honest replies!
  10. Ah, so, clearly, this poll applies only to a specific subset of traders? For example, your logic doesn't make a lot of sense for people who don't trade full-time or, otherwise, manage OPM...
    #10     Aug 24, 2009