How mobile phones let spies see our every move, This covers EVERYTHING

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Sisko7, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. aegis

    #11     Feb 28, 2010
  2. there are ways to identify a human in a room however they are unable to identify the person (and I would claim its even harder to figure out I am shaving or masturbating).

    But seriously, I am getting sick of this civil liberty BS, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear of being investigated. Some people spend way too much time to hide their privacy where there is not a reason in the world anyone would ever have an interest in their privacy. The people with the smallest bank and brokerage accounts usually are the most afraid of stolen identities. Isnt that funny?

    #12     Feb 28, 2010
  3. aegis


    Well, if they can see through a wall in your home, they can certainly deduce that you live there.

    As for your other comments, the vast majority of wealthy individuals are extremely concerned with privacy. It may not seem that way because they stay out of the lime light. As an accountant, I once worked for an individual with a very high net worth who was obsessive about his privacy. Once people know what you're worth, you become a target for frivolous lawsuits.
    #13     Feb 28, 2010
  4. lawsuits still are settled based on facts not false accusations. If someone is hiding taxable income or conducting other illegal activities then such person should be held accountable for good reason otherwise lawsuits are generally dismissed. Very simple. People who have something to hide generally do so because of fear of acting illegally.

    The right for privacy should never be given priority over gross misconduct in violation of laws. As free citizen I always prefer my government investigating and persecuting crime in whatever possible way (and that includes to possibly investigating innocent people at times) over a society where those who act illegally get away with it just because they employ more sophisticated techniques of averting persecution than most others.

    I prefer to have an innocent person brought in for questioning and possibly be detained for some time than having an additional terrorist cell plotting their next moves. And I am aware such innocent person, being temporarily stripped off my rights for privacy, could include me or my children. I think we should not forget its not government we should fight but gross injustice and wrongdoing by third parties.

    #14     Feb 28, 2010
  5. Sisko7


    Asiaprop the only thing people need to know about you is that you think Goldman Sachs is great and can do no wrong.

    you are a shill nothing more, at best you are a product of satanic education system that sees people as slaves and waste of skin

    You revel in human misery, that is the kind of person you are :)
    #15     Feb 28, 2010

  6. This has to be the funniest thing I have ever read on ET. Are you really that naive?
    #16     Feb 28, 2010
  7. for everything in life there are exceptions, I am talking about the norm.

    #17     Feb 28, 2010
  8. lol, can we stick to facts rather than accusations or is this how you also prefer to handle it with Goldman, your government, and everyone else you dislike?

    Why should I, by the way, shill for Goldman? Because you and most others here on ET are my target audience? Please dont make me laugh.

    P.S.: All you said is you dislike GS and you accuse them of wrongdoing, I simply asked could you please point to a lawsuit with merit that convicted GS for using agency trading info as part of its prop group? Everything else are rumors, accusations, and no more than precisely that.

    #18     Feb 28, 2010
  9. Sisko7


    Yes lets stick with facts. You are saying that if you have nothing to hide you don't mind handing over privacy to Big Government and its agencies.

    You are saying that we should move to Guilty until proven innocent

    We are guilty if we demand privacy, and we are innocent if we allow 24/7 database and movement tracking.

    Have you any idea how ludicrous and downright naive your viewpoint it.
    #19     Mar 1, 2010
  10. Buddy, dont turn my words around. I said that I think its ok that in the pursuit to stop crimes sometimes innocent people are getting in between investigators' praying eyes and the actual sought after criminals. Nobody is declared guilty because he for whatever reason became part of an investigation until a law court declared someone guilty.

    You can turn it as much as you like but my opinion stands against yours. For you it seems privacy is your god, for me its that government stops filth, drugs, crimes, and terrorism to swamp each and every corner of our lives. If during that process someone taps my phone, reads my email then so be it, I have nothing to hide, DO YOU?

    #20     Mar 1, 2010