How many more white supremacists does ET need?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Frederick Foresight, Jun 29, 2020.

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  1. tango29


    You crack me up how you go off. Sorry didn't vote for Trump moron. You like making assumptions and pretending you know all about everything. I don't question you are a very smart guy, but you act and assume like a dumbass tool.
    I have heard of Kennedy dems. Hey, good for you, then again the Kennedy family ranks up there with the Clintons and Trumps in terms of the land of dirtballs, but I guess that is ok with you as long as you support it. Ok, now for a portion of your next rant, it's not the families or the shit they actually believe, it's the policies they have, bingo genius! I'm sure you'll run with that, and go on about I support racism, but anyone can twist and turn what is written. It's what racists, bigots etc. like to do to try and make their points true. I don't support racists and yea, you are pissing me off with your stupidity insisting on it.
    No one, especially the people we seem to end up with in politics has a free and clear background. You do pick and chose the best option despite what you see as a no go in some situations. Or as I have done you write in someone else because you can't bring yourself to support either option.(Trump v. Clinton as a no go option)
    I suspect you have voted for racists, and more than once, but I'm also sure you'll go on one of your belligerent rants how that wouldn't ever happen and I'm the racist.
    On a consistent basis, I have found that those who rant the loudest usually have the most they want to hide, or simply like to deny any possibility that their reality isn't the ideal they loudly proclaim to everyone. Had to listen to that for 3 years from a couple at one of my sons football games. Didn't even sit near them, but they had to loudly spew there crap. Yes, like the Trumpettes do today.
    Do you really believe there are no racist Dems in Congress? I'd say there are white racist Dems in Congress. At the same time racists aren't all wearing the same color, they come in every race, religion, national origin. And no, I'm not going through a list of who's who of racists. I'll let you figure that out for yourself someday.
    Over and out, done here, know where it will keep going, and have managed to waste a portion of life.
    #61     Jul 1, 2020
    Wallet likes this.
  2. Just curious, which Clinton were you against, and why?
    #62     Jul 1, 2020
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Ok, this is turning into an ongoing politics thread between members so I'm closing it. Carry on in the Politics forum if you want.
    #63     Jul 1, 2020
    Wallet likes this.
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