How many lies can Chris Dodd tell in a 48 hr period?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by John_Wensink, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Lucrum


    "How many lies can Chris Dodd tell in a 48 hr period?"

    How many times can he open his mouth.
    #11     Mar 19, 2009
  2. If my math is correct, we gave AIG a dollar 73 cents and the bonus amount is a penny.
    #12     Mar 19, 2009
  3. Bugscoe,

    You left out how the dumb ass signed an order allowing stem cell research and then signed a spending bill that had it prohibted.

    Also making the soldiers pay for their rehab then changing mind.

    #13     Mar 19, 2009
  4. Damn right I do, and I have criticized them plenty. Now it's Obama's turn. He could have stopped this or at least put it on hold until someone explained basic economics to him, but instead, he gets Dodd to put a provision in the pork bill to allow the bonuses. I don't buy the excuse that the lawyers made them pay the bonuses either. Don't pay them and let them sue and explain why they should get bonuses after blowing up the company.

    I would like for someone to haul Paulson's ass in front of a committee and have him explain how he can claim the economy will blow up if he doesn;t get 700 bill to buy bad assets, then he doesn't use the money to buy them, but buys bank stock instead. How can that be legal?
    #14     Mar 19, 2009

  5. We have a winner
    #15     Mar 19, 2009
  6. TGregg


    But it's not just AIG, the bailout is a couple trillion and counting. It's an unimaginable amount of wealth. So it's more like $200 and counting, and everybody is ready to literally kill people over a penny.

    The really bad people are the ones dealing with the 2 benjies, not the penny. And it's not the people that asked for a boatload of money, it's the rat bastards that #@&^ing gave it to them! Should we start killing panhandlers in the streets for asking for money? No? Then why should we hang AIG suits? The politicians were the ones that gave them our money.
    #16     Mar 19, 2009