How Made Up Is News? Quite a Bit

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Trend Following, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Brass


    Don't mind TF. He collects strawmen. They help clean up after him.
    #51     Jul 23, 2012
  2. Trend Following

    Trend Following Sponsor

    Successful people don't listen to that Obama speech and say, "That's it!" People who want a daddy listen to that and say, "Yes!"
    #52     Jul 23, 2012
  3. Brass


    Strawman alert! TF has posted another dropping.
    #53     Jul 23, 2012
  4. One advantage I have is a friend who is a technology know-it-all. He has a bot that scans certain websites for new pages. For example, his bot detected a new page on the Muddy Waters site last week with the symbol EDU. You don't need to know anything more, MW is going to release a hit piece on EDU. 5-7 minutes later they posted to twitter and the rout was on.

    That said, let's not get carried away here. Is all news trade worthy? Of course not. Can you get news slightly before it hits say briefing and still screw up? Of course. What I do is try and be very patient and wait for the 2-3 times per week where it appears by the price action that I'm in front of the heard. Keep in mind, I'm also talking about small caps for the most part that are not widely followed. I'm never going to be the first to know AAPL is releasing a t.v..

    But to say news doesn't matter because it's often wrong flies in the face of reality. There's so many ways trades based off news play out that it's impossible to cover them all, but one obvious example is buy out rumors. You don't need to know ahead of time since fading the pop is the more prudent trade most times. But, without knowing what caused the pop you're really just gambling by fading a move where you have no clue about the catalyst. I wonder how many shorts got run over today in SRPT because they either didn't know the news or didn't understand it's significance?

    If you're one guy, trading at home with one pc, I'd say your chances of winning in this game are pretty slim.
    #54     Jul 24, 2012
  5. Today, I went to the Apple Store and talked to their managers.

    No, these are more like VP's. EVP's, to be exact.

    CFO EVP's if you must really know.

    They cried when I asked, "good report today?"

    You cannot hide emotions!!!

    I sold 100,000 shares at 600.


    ok, now back to zeitgeist

    and then on to those rothfield or rothchild or whatever videos
    #55     Jul 24, 2012
  6. i remmeber reading about the kid that jack up a penny stock through internet forums and dumped 500 grand out of the trade all my crap inflated views and lies.. whose to blame.. the kid who as like 15 or all the idiots who bellied up to the bar to drink the poison..
    #56     Jul 24, 2012