How is "President" Bush going to manipulate the elections?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Riskmanager, May 11, 2004.

  1. #11     May 11, 2004
  2. Condi Rice, revealing her computer expertise, will devise the CS (Common Sense) virus, which exploits the I Defy Intelligence Or Truth (IDIOT) loophole found in most Kerry supporters' memory bank.

    Kerry's team of hackers will respond with a variant of the Bush Invaded Through Coercion and Hyperbole (BITCH) worm, followed by the Bush Upholds Lowly Lying and Supports the Humiliation of Insurgents and Torture (BULLSHIT) trojan which attempts to take advantage of current events.

    Come November, the majority of Americans will have downloaded the Public Is Saddened and Sick of Endless Diatribes Offensive to our Fighting Forces (PISSED OFF) freeware program, installed the Beware Liberal Ownership of Warped Media Entities (BLOW ME) firewall, and vote accordingly.

    Thus will the Republic be saved.
    #12     May 11, 2004
  3. Bush has the elections won already, there is no way around it, unless something really drastic happens and the morons taxpayers wake up. Not that kerry wont "try few tricks" to win.. both of the same cloth..good cop bad cop.. the morons errr mushrooms errrr taxpayers pay for the crap

    Vanishing Votes

    First, the purges. In the months leading up to the November 2000
    presidential election, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, in
    coordination with Governor Jeb Bush, ordered local election
    supervisors to purge 57,700 voters from the registries, supposedly
    ex-cons not allowed to vote in Florida. At least 90.2 percent of those
    on this "scrub" list, targeted to lose their civil rights, are innocent.
    Notably, more than half – about 54 percent – are black or Hispanic.
    You can argue all night about the number ultimately purged, but there's
    no argument that this electoral racial pogrom ordered by Jeb Bush's
    operatives gave the White House to his older brother. HAVA not only
    blesses such purges, it requires all fifty states to implement a similar
    search-and-destroy mission against vulnerable voters. Specifically, every
    state must, by the 2004 election, imitate Florida's system of
    computerizing voter files. The law then empowers fifty secretaries of
    state – fifty Katherine Harrises – to purge these lists of "suspect" voters.

    The purge is back, big time. Following the disclosure in December 2000
    of the black voter purge in Britain's Observer newspaper, NAACP
    lawyers sued the state. The civil rights group won a written promise
    from Governor Jeb and from Harris's successor to return wrongly
    scrubbed citizens to the voter rolls. According to records given to the
    courts by ChoicePoint, the company that generated the computerized
    lists, the number of Floridians who were questionably tagged totals
    91,000. Willie Steen is one of them. Recently, I caught up with Steen
    outside his office at a Tampa hospital. Steen's case was easy. You can't
    work in a hospital if you have a criminal record. (My copy of Harris's hit
    list includes an ex-con named O'Steen, close enough to cost Willie
    Steen his vote.) The NAACP held up Steen's case to the court as a
    prime example of the voter purge evil.

    The state admitted Steen's innocence. But a year after the NAACP won
    his case, Steen still couldn't register. Why was he still under suspicion?
    What do we know about this "potential felon," as Jeb called him? Steen,
    unlike our President, honorably served four years in the US military.
    There is, admittedly, a suspect mark on his record: Steen remains an

    If you're black, voting in America is a game of chance. First, there's the
    chance your registration card will simply be thrown out. Millions of
    minority citizens registered to vote using what are called motor-voter
    forms. And Republicans know it. You would not be surprised to learn
    that the Commission on Civil Rights found widespread failures to add
    these voters to the registers. My sources report piles of dust-covered
    applications stacked up in election offices.

    Second, once registered, there's the chance you'll be named a felon. In
    Florida, besides those fake felons on Harris's scrub sheets, some
    600,000 residents are legally barred from voting because they have a
    criminal record in the state. That's one state. In the entire nation 1.4
    million black men with sentences served can't vote, 13 percent of the
    nation's black male population.

    At step three, the real gambling begins. The Voting Rights Act of 1965
    guaranteed African-Americans the right to vote – but it did not
    guarantee the right to have their ballots counted. And in one in seven
    cases, they aren't.

    Take Gadsden County. Of Florida's sixty-seven counties, Gadsden has
    the highest proportion of black residents: 58 percent. It also has the
    highest "spoilage" rate, that is, ballots tossed out on technicalities: one in
    eight votes cast but not counted. Next door to Gadsden is
    white-majority Leon County, where virtually every vote is counted (a
    spoilage rate of one in 500).

    How do votes spoil? Apparently, any old odd mark on a ballot will do
    it. In Gadsden, some voters wrote in Al Gore instead of checking his
    name. Their votes did not count.

    Harvard law professor Christopher Edley Jr., a member of the
    Commission on Civil Rights, didn't like the smell of all those spoiled
    ballots. He dug into the pile of tossed ballots and, deep in the
    commission's official findings, reported this: 14.4 percent of black votes
    – one in seven – were "invalidated," i.e., never counted. By contrast,
    only 1.6 percent of nonblack voters' ballots were spoiled.

    Florida's electorate is 11 percent African-American. Florida refused to
    count 179,855 spoiled ballots. A little junior high school algebra applied
    to commission numbers indicates that 54 percent, or 97,000, of the
    votes "spoiled" were cast by black folk, of whom more than 90 percent
    chose Gore. The nonblack vote divided about evenly between Gore and
    Bush. Therefore, had Harris allowed the counting of these ballots, Al
    Gore would have racked up a plurality of about 87,000 votes in Florida
    – 162 times Bush's official margin of victory.

    That's Florida. Now let's talk about America. In the 2000 election, 1.9
    million votes cast were never counted. Spoiled for technical reasons,
    like writing in Gore's name, machine malfunctions and so on. The
    reasons for ballot rejection vary, but there's a suspicious shading to the
    ballots tossed into the dumpster. Edley's team of Harvard experts
    discovered that just as in Florida, the number of ballots spoiled was –
    county by county, precinct by precinct – in direct proportion to the local
    black voting population.

    Florida's racial profile mirrors the nation's – both in the percentage of
    voters who are black and the racial profile of the voters whose ballots
    don't count. "In 2000, a black voter in Florida was ten times as likely to
    have their vote spoiled – not counted – as a white voter," explains
    political scientist Philip Klinkner, co-author of Edley's Harvard report.
    "National figures indicate that Florida is, surprisingly, typical. Given the
    proportion of nonwhite to white voters in America, then, it appears that
    about half of all ballots spoiled in the USA, as many as 1 million votes,
    were cast by nonwhite voters."

    and if you like pictures:
    #13     May 11, 2004
  4. he's a shoe-in against Kerry :-/
    #14     May 11, 2004
  5. AAA says that the Bush administration investigated charges Republicans committed vote fraud and found such charges unsubstantiated.

    Since when do the suspects investigate the alleged crime? Since January 20, 2001.
    #15     May 11, 2004
  6. I think the investigation was not by the administration, but by the U.S Commission on Civil Rights, an independent agency that is run by leftwing kooks. They moaned and whined but couldn't find anything substantive. All this talk about percentages of ballots, etc proves nothing. And why is it suddenly unfair to make an attempt to keep felons off the voting rolls? Because the Dem's think they are a natural Dem constituency? Basically this is all race-based intimidation to try to keep the states from preventing vote fraud.
    #16     May 11, 2004
  7. BSAM


    Hate to disagree with you, HD, but Bore won the last election. I'm referring, of course, to the total vote tally. Oh, I voted for Little George, but I sure don't feel comfortable with how the whole thing came out. Seems to me that the results reduce the legitamacy of his term in office. I think me and the rest of the U.S. want a very clearcut victory one way or the other this time around. Would help cut down on a lot of the whining, I think, no matter who wins.
    #17     May 11, 2004
  8. BSAM, I too would much prefer our elections be decided by voters, not litigants. But at some point not long after GW assumed office, I think the time came to move on. And now, nearly 4 years later, it seems to me that there are a lot more pressing issues to discuss relevant to the current campaign than butterfly ballots and hanging chads.
    #18     May 11, 2004
  9. Wow. You've never sounded more yourself. Disqualify the accuser, ignore the accusation.

    I know I'd feel more comfortable if the investigation were in the hands of Big Brother.
    #19     May 11, 2004
  10. Let me give the standard AAA, Pabst, Mav reply to you Bungrider.

    "If you prefer to live in a country where leftists can rape your sister, tax you at 100%, steal your land and give it nigras, brainwash your children, allow foreigners to take all the state univerisity placements, enslave every hardworking American, control the media, make a mockery of the 1st amendment, kill the 6th amendment, force us to kiss Islamic militants on the cheeks, then go live in France you dirty socialist pig"

    That's thier reply in a nutshell whether you are talking about politics or baseball.

    Q from Liberal: "I think the mountains of Wyoming are beautiful, I am glad we have national parks"

    Pabst, Mav, etc: " Stealing our land, go live in France you socialist pig"

    Q: "How are we going to pay for the Iraqi War without raising taxes down the road?"
    A: "Go live in France you socialist pig"

    Q "Do you like Charmin?"
    A "Buy Scott tissue, you French pig!"

    #20     May 12, 2004