How is Jim Rogers so smart?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by simon1080, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. Do you really think you get to the level the Buffet or Rogers are at without using insider information?

    The more they push this "nice guy" public image, the more I wonder.

    And no Rogers is not a smart guy. He praised the Chinese CB for their "holding rates steady" policy. Guess what... the CB in China just cut rates!!!
    #11     Sep 17, 2008
  2. Why do I have to be as wealthy to be able to criticize them?
    #12     Sep 17, 2008

    #13     Sep 17, 2008
  4. zdreg


    it is the bottom line that counts. rogers is a very wealthy man from making long term macro bets.
    as the financial crisis unfolded the wall street analysts refused to open their eyes or refused to break off their incestous relationships with the co's they followed. richard bove should be homeless for his analysis.

    china still has long way to go in terms of living standards. the american market bounced back after the depression and 1987. china will do the same from its stock bubble.
    #14     Sep 17, 2008
  5. Perhaps he should look more at the details, then he'd see what a shit hole China really is.
    #15     Sep 17, 2008
  6. At least China isnt swamped with all these fat fucks I'd say thats a big plus.
    #16     Sep 17, 2008
  7. Cutten


    Well he went to Oxford for 3 years to do Politics, Philosophy & Economics, not exactly easy to get in to that if you are thick.

    Also he was speculating on currencies while he was a student there, and according to Soros "did the work of six men". Brains + education + hard work + 40 years experience results in a lot of ability. Similar with Marc Faber I imagine.

    Basically if you are smart, and work hard in some experienced-based career for most of your life, you will become pretty fucking good at it.
    #17     Sep 17, 2008
  8. Cutten


    Have you been reading the news recently? The US govt is taking ownership of some of the largest corporations. That's socialism not capitalism. Soros was pretty accurate with this one - he said it would be a collapse and change in the system, not Mad Max II.

    P.S. the reason Rogers is respected is because he contributed to the 40% per annum return of the Quantum fund from 1969-1981, a time where the S&P was basically flat. By comparison, during the 80s and 90s Quantum made about 35% and the S&P returned over 15% per year. Not many people can make 40% in a flat market. Since he basically retired then, the last 25 years it's just been market calls - some of which have been wrong, but others spectacularly right.
    #18     Sep 17, 2008
  9. dsq


    he and buffet dont care for the daily fluctuations of the markets or timing the exact intraday bottoms or tops.
    They sit on their winners and let em ride and dont get scared out of their positions unlike traders.

    It is prescient that his book came out at the same time the shanghai dropped from 5600 to 2000.Same can be said about oil.
    #19     Sep 17, 2008
  10. There is a lot of untold history behind Quantum fund and personas the likes of Rogers, Soros, Buffet. Soros's real life personality is horrible, I've heard he is a hideous person on the inside. Business wise, they did a lot of shady sh*t back then.

    Rogers, on the other hand, is playing an act while supporting China. He is promoting their mode of government, which is like George Orwell's 1984 scenario.

    I would say, close to 80% of China's population is treated as disposable sub-humans. Look up some stories on the death squad vans and Chinense government's human organ operations. Sick stuff.
    #20     Sep 17, 2008