How I'm Trading the Volatility: Live trades (Jan)

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by KCalhoun, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. vanzandt


    Although the above may appear correct, today is not the day.
    Gotta shake out the weak players first.


    Is that a Corgi? Smart little guys them ones.
    "The Queen's dog" I think they call em.
    #81     Nov 2, 2020
  2. KCalhoun


    Not thrilled to see gap up market but I didn't stop out of inverses yet. Ive got stops on half positions if they keep dropping today.

    SQQQ holding steady, will buy hod breakout.. right re negative news. I don't want to get shaken out, so using wider stops than usual, playing election volatility. Following UVXY closely.
    #82     Nov 2, 2020
  3. KCalhoun


    near breakeven, tightened trailing stops 1pmET

    fdly2nova.jpg fdly2novb.jpg
    #83     Nov 2, 2020
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. %%
    I mostly agree;
    buy the tech ETFs dips; + SPXS dip.
    55 minutes 'till close /50 day moving average looking good on those................................
    #84     Nov 2, 2020
    KCalhoun likes this.
  5. Looks like it was a good day for gains for you all. I didn't do anything worth mentioning, as one might expect from a noob. My approach was totally wrong, plus my network connection and browser both caused problems at a most inopportune time, and I made a few bad moves. Did gain some experience though and enjoyed the ride, and didn't lose any money at least. Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings.

    I noticed SDOW and SPXS have pretty much identical charts, other than magnitude. So I'm just watching and learning from SPXS, SQQQ, and TZA right now. Seems they all track VIX pretty well, although SQQQ behaves much differently than the others.
    #85     Nov 2, 2020
    murray t turtle and KCalhoun like this.
  6. KCalhoun


    SQQQ strong recovery, sold some during pivot off pd hi recently


    #86     Nov 2, 2020
  7. vanzandt


    You guys.... lol....

    Everybody and their brother owns puts that expire Friday for every frigging trading vehicle that exists.

    Such a game.
    If you're short this week.... via puts or whatever.... odds are you're gonna get royally f'd to zero by Friday.
    Sometimes you just need to sit on your hands guys.
    #87     Nov 2, 2020
    JesseJamesFinn1 likes this.
  8. I'll take what you say into account vanzandt, and learn from it if it ends up being true, although I'm not 100% sure from my own perspective that it's true.

    I don't know anything about trading (clearly, given that I somehow managed to barely break even on a day that was just a steady upward movement all day long), but I do know politics better than almost anyone, which is what prompted me to get into the market right now after 20+ years of having no interest in trading.

    Here's how this election is going to play out. In the end, Trump wins, and the market will love it, but it's a long slog to get there. For a long time they will make it look like Biden is winning. (Did I mention btw, that votes do not matter to this already predetermined outcome?) There will be every accusation in the world hurled from one camp to the other. Ballot fraud, etc, worse than Bush v. Gore 2000. It will go to the Supreme Court, I believe, and probably Trump gets it by a 5-4 decision. That's when the real shit show begins.

    Part of the reason they have all of these polls and data showing Biden in the lead, expected to win easily, etc, is so that when Trump wins, the groundwork will be laid for the D's to accuse him of fraud. Same thing with this last minute Supreme Court pick, thus making it look like the court is biased. The goal here is for the right wing to end up in total control, after years of feeling beaten down and surrounded by enemies, and now ready to exact revenge on the D's, who are themselves enraged thinking the R's stole it.

    That's pretty how much it's going to play out, I think, so factor accordingly.

    There was been a persistent meme among the right wing conspiracy theorists that the D's are going to crash the economy "just to get Trump out." They really believe this. And it does seem clear from my perspective that they are setting things up for an epic crash, centered on the tech sector. That's why Murray's "buy the tech dip" routine worries me. TSLA is going to rip his face off here in the near future.

    Hope all is well for everyone today....I wouldn't be surprised to see a calm morning followed by turbulence in the afternoon, but I'm not sure. This day is a big question mark for me. I do believe tomorrow will be a crazy ride though. Have a good day everyone...
    #88     Nov 3, 2020
    vanzandt likes this.
  9. %%
    Good cut/keep business exspences small,KC;
    after i bought some more tech etfs,+SPY related buy i sold starter position SPXS @$ 5.50 limit.It had to sit there a few minutes .Good thing made about 12% in spxs last week
    WOw; ERY moves big trend down also, i better do some more research on that one...................................................................................
    #89     Nov 3, 2020
    KCalhoun likes this.
  10. %%
    NOT a prediction,DB; you may do better in spxs than sdow;
    + noting with the difference between trends/countertrends.
    AS far as '' TSLA ripping someones face off'' LOL.
    Guess again/LOL//i do tech ETFs.........+ have been for 20 years.
    As far as a good day/OK,
    + there are52 weeks to profit in a year.Thanks for you comment...................................................................:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    #90     Nov 3, 2020