How I'm Trading the Volatility: Live trades (Jan)

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by KCalhoun, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. I guess you must not realize that Tesla is a sham company. You really think Musk is some kind of super genius? He's an actor, playing a role. Just like Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs, or any of these other types. They are front men for military and intelligence operations, and always have been.

    Same goes for all of these tech "companies" these days; Alphabet/Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, you name it, they are all owned by the same people and are not private companies in any respect. The main purpose of Tesla is to serve as a front for the import of lithium from China. That's why the cars are so junky, and that's also why the batteries are designed the way they are, with a million and one individual little cells instead of a proper and much more space efficient purpose made battery design.

    Later on the cars will be "recalled" en masse due to some newly discovered horrible safety defect (what else is new), and they will be taking those batteries out as using them as individual cells, in a million and one different military devices.

    A final purpose of this sham company is to strip its "shareholders" of every dollar they have, in the final crash. Just like all the other "leftist"-associated companies. Just like Robinhood, for instance. The name means "robbing the hood." They've been fleeced several times already via different means, and the crash isn't even in yet. Just wait until the day that fly by night operator disappears and none of their customers can get even the shattered, smoking remnants of their account paid out, during the crash.

    You didn't see that hideous Telsa truck thing as being a clear and obvious example of the running joke this company is among insiders? They are laughing at you!

    Keep buying the dip on Tesla, and I guarantee you, one day it will rip your fucking face off. Same goes for any of these other sham tech 2.0 companies. I've been sitting and watching this massive tech 2.0 bubble grow for the past decade! The collapse of this shit show will be one for the history books.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    #91     Nov 3, 2020
  2. KCalhoun


    in the red today, holding these inverses into election night; very small size. gave back some of last week's profits grrr

    fdly3octa.jpg fdly3novb.jpg
    #92     Nov 3, 2020
    TrailerParkTed and daveblanchard like this.
  3. Despite the currently severe limitations of my trading setup (slow internet due to data cap exceeded, causing excruciatingly painful site loading delays), I still managed to do OK today. Learned a lot from yesterday's fiasco. I'm spending 80% of my mental energy right now dealing with this internet/browser/web site B.S., which is dragging me down, but today I took a different approach and actually did OK. Avoided getting crushed in the initial downslide of SQQQ, bought down near the bottom, rode to almost exactly the top, sold it. Then I waited until the very last minute hoping to get in at the cheapest possible and hold it, in anticipation of big moves tomorrow. Got back in right at 23.23 then watched it shoot way up immediately afterward. Foreshadowing of events to come? :D
    #93     Nov 3, 2020
    KCalhoun likes this.
  4. KCalhoun


    Good to hear it! These are tricky to trade, eg I buy the dip sell the rip, vs normal breakouts. Eod upside reversals are ones I trade as well.
    #94     Nov 3, 2020
    daveblanchard likes this.
  5. Yikes! Looks like I zigged when I should have zagged! Deep underwater this morning. Hehe...let's see how today plays out. Need to go get caught up on election news....

    EDIT: Yeah, things are playing out like I figured. They will inch one "horse" ahead of the other for a time, then the other, back and forth, while people are kept on the edge of their seats and panic buying/selling. Last night there was a lot of talk about "Trump's got it", now it's "Biden's got it", and later today it will probably be Trump again. They sure do know how to keep people bouncing between fear and excitement...
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
    #95     Nov 4, 2020
  6. Haha, I really should have waited until today to buy! Pretty sure I'll be in the green by tomorrow, but damn, I've taken quite a haircut so far! The market must be really happy and upbeat. It will be interesting to see what happens when fortune shifts and "the other guy" pulls ahead. I think a lot of people are still thinking/hoping that this will be decided and over with quickly. Their hopes will sadly be dashed upon the rocks of reality by this evening, I think.
    #96     Nov 4, 2020
  7. deaddog


    You realize it's all on you Dave. The market can't change directions until you close your position.:)
    #97     Nov 4, 2020
    KCalhoun likes this.
  8. Yeah, that's usually how it works! Y'all let me know when you're ready for the bottom to be in, and I will sell it all....LOL
    #98     Nov 4, 2020
  9. Looks like SQQQ is now inversely correlated with VIX starting about 11:30.....weird!
    #99     Nov 4, 2020
  10. KCalhoun


    Thankfully sold a lot of remaining inverses premkt for stops, not having a good week. At least I hedged by buying SPXL this am, which worked.

    Will rebuy SQQQ UVXY if they pivot, they're at 10day support. Last week was great for inverses, this week not so much :p
    #100     Nov 4, 2020
    daveblanchard likes this.