"How I Afford to Travel the World"

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by heavenskrow, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. 3:45
    "I have never personally lost money in the stock market. The amount of dollars I have ever lost is 0......Let's say you buy a stock, it goes down, then wait, wait...YOUR NOT LOSING MONEY UNLESS YOU SELL IT." LAWLZ

    Winning in a bull stampeding market...... 1987 please happen soon and put some reality check into these sheep.
    S2007S, Gotcha and Clubber Lang like this.
  2. wintergasp


    Damned that's why I'm losing money.... I should have bought the lows and sell the highs not the opposite
  3. HolyMoly


    What she meant to say is "I'm a hooker from Miami that travels with rich men for a price, and I take some of my money and put it into some stocks that they recommend to me."
    Sweet Bobby and dumpdapump like this.
  4. There are no better options here. The cost of living is very high and you pretty much have to grovel to get a $10 an hour job here even with college education. The minimum wage in some states is $7.25 an hour while the average cost of an apartment in that same state is $1200 a month.

    If YouTube provides them with an income then who can blame them. But I agree, the content is dumb but again, that's what the general population here enjoys watching.

    It's a viscous circle feeding itself.
  5. Gotcha


    I noticed the video is from Nov 2016. She has probably done very well since then. But at the same time, if she has Apple stock which she talked about, who knows how she felt since Friday a week ago.
  6. S2007S


    I wish I could give this 10 trillion likes...
    I have been saying this for years, all these newbies who think they know how to trade have no clue what a bear market is, they don't even know what a 20% correction is.....I'm seeing people that I work with who have no idea what a stock is trying to get into this market now...but these fools will have no clue what to do when everything goes into collapse mode...especially that sheep you mentioned who puts up a YouTube video who had personally never lost money.....1987 please come ASAP
  7. S2007S


    This entire video is a fake....everything from beginning to end....the girl never bought a stock in her life...i saw other videos posted by her and it's all about her travels and how cheap it is to travel the world. Anyone believing that traveling the world is cheap is dumb as rocks. I can't even begin to explain how fake these YouTube videos are, everything from making countless dollars to owning your own business and traveling the world, these videos are all fake....back to traveling the world and how cheap it is...ha... OK just taking a cab to the airport is $50-$100 and that's if you're in 25 miles of the nearest airport.... I have been away on simple weekend getaways that cost $700-$1000 ...go book a 5 night stay on some white sandy beach in Cancun and the cost is going to be about $1200....take a travel to Europe for a week and good luck spending less than $2000.....amazing how many people believe these videos ...
  8. newwurldmn


    That's she's still up 40percent unlevered.
    comagnum and Gotcha like this.
  9. dumpdapump


    Pretty pointed analysis and imho a result of lack of regulation not over-regulation. A lot of the malaise is based on the general public's view that free wheeling economics is the one and only solution. But there are simply things that a government should regulate rather than listening to industry lobbyists. The minimum wage in most US states is way too low and it only is that low because of industry pressure. Most state politicians have no problem understanding that one does not negotiate with terrorists, yet they do exactly that when businesses play them against other states.

  10. comagnum


    So what if shes making $ from the market and spending it traveling - good for her! Her technique is spot on for a bull market. She did not mention using margin or borrowing $ to invest with - so it's not like she is taking foolish risks.

    In a bull market the investors are the real winners. I would think Warren Buffet would give this a thumbs up since she is encouraging young people to save & invest if they want a shot at changing their lot in life.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2017
    #10     Jun 17, 2017
    ironchef likes this.