How far back can one get data for the 30y UST bond?

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by Daal, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Daal


    When the US started issuing them? Was the issuance uninterupted since it started? Is there data going as far back as the 1920s to today?
    Thank you
  2. Handle123


    Started keeping records since 1900. "The government began selling 30-year bonds on a regular basis in 1977, issuing more than $600 billion of the bonds to the public." They did stop in 2001-2005 because U.S. government said the Ten Year was needed more than 30 year, I always thought that was a poor move to keep government debt interest they have to pay back. I have always wondered, why not just print money and charge themselves half of a percent, but I think we secretly do so last eight years.

    I have always liked trading them more so than T-Notes, bigger bang to the tick and good vehicle for spread trading.
  3. Daal


    Cool. Do you happen to know what was the average duration of the 30y bond vs of the 10y bond since 1977?
  4. Handle123


    No clue