how dumb are republicans

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. republicans in the house are prepared to pass a bill ending medicare even though it has 0 chance of becoming law. talk about giving the dems a campaign slogan:

    Congress Prepares Vote On Plan To Transform Program Into Voucher-Style System
  2. If there are two outs and the bases are loaded in the bottom of the ninth, and the count is 3-3, and you need a grand slam to tie, what choice do you have?:)
  3. Or if you don't like baseball. It is fourth and forever, with less than two minutes, and you have no timeouts, and you need a touchdown to tie
  4. Lucrum


    How dumb are these threads?
  5. Call Doug Flutie.
  6. Or John Elway, I knew that would get posted as soon as I clicked send.:D

    My analogy is that Flutie and Elway are exceptions that prove the rule, so there:p
  7. Hello


    Obama would punt. :D
  8. Lucrum


    Or fake an injury and sit on the side line.
  9. Hello

