how does our military get people to talk?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Shrewd Dude, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. For the record, Sleep Deprivation does not come under the Geneva Convention.

    #21     Dec 16, 2003
  2. You freaking Liberals never get it do you. Real easy to call W names like Dumya. Never have any substance to your arguments. Have you freaking forgotten 911. Do you really care what the rest of the world thinks of us? Oh yeah that's right Liberals can only think with their emotions. No wonder those genius actors in Hollywood are mostly liberal.

    I bet you are all bent on how we showed Saddam to the world. All haggard and obedient. I hope those freaking towelhead extremists see this for what it is. Just another dictator who is a coward to the bone. So much for jihad.

    I heard the townspeople unearthed his son's bodies and fed them to the dogs. Is that what we should do with Saddam.

    Too bad for you Liberals. This trial will go on right into the election and take away from all this anti-war Howard Dean Crap. The world will collectively see why this was necessary to stabilize the middle east and put the rest of them on notice!
    #22     Dec 17, 2003

  3. Jobs is your answer. Jobs are created by all that techno shit. We just found a needle in a fucking haystack in the middle of the desert (with the clinching blow being good old US cash). What do you want?

    You know FU back for voting for Clinton. If he wasn't so busy getting his dick sucked, trying to impress fat interns, he could have paid attention when he was offered Bin Laden from Sudan. But NO! he didn't want to offend the world with something like that. God what a great leader he was. The guy woke up each morning and stuck his finger in the wind to take the public polls. Not a single ounce of conviction in that guy.

    At least W. knows what he stands for and doesn't give a shit about people like you. Remember this: "yYu are either with us, or against us" Don't forget it. We don't need reasons to appease the UN and flunkies under 30 years of age like you.
    #23     Dec 17, 2003