How does "Occupy Wall Street" effect the economy and the market?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by chaosclarity, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. I think adadadog pretty well said it all:
    ". . . America is not a democracy, it is rather a money-man's oligarchy . . ."

    from my pov I like to blame the CFMA 2000 as the means by which the subprime
    and subsequent credit crisis arose:
    and here's an explanation of why it did so:
    'Out of the Black Hole' 'Reining in the reckless market in over-the-counter derivatives.'
    by Michael Greenberger professor at the University of Maryland School of Law and
    a former division director at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

    and then there's Elizabeth Warren:
    and how the 'Right Wing Turns on Elizabeth Warren, Congressional Oversight Panel Head'

    I'm not going to criticize the US further, there's several examples of how countries
    such as Greece, France, Germany, EU, Eire/Ireland, UK, China etc are currently
    managing their financial affairs to the deteriment of their citizens, but what is
    common to them all including the US is just how much the government and
    'business' can fuck up, and severly fuck up, the lives of the ordinary citizen
    the government who supposedly serve the citizens, and business who supposedly
    provide products and services - beneficial to the citizens

    Eric Cantor, US Representative for Virginia's 7th congressional district, referred to
    Occupy Wall Street as a 'mob': "I for one am increasingly concerned about the
    growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country."
    'Eric Cantor’s breathtaking hypocrisy on Occupy Wall Street' by Jonathan Capehart
    such is the empathy of a money-man oligarchist

    I don't believe it's a question of 'capitalism', or any other ism, but here's one definition
    of capitalism:
    "Different Definitions of Capitalism exist
    Essentially, it is comprised of
    - An Economic System
    - Private Ownership
    - Free Market
    - Low Government Control
    - Protection of Individual Rights
    - Unlimited Profits and Operational Boundaries "

    two points:
    'Low Government Control', but Not, NO Government Control
    what the Occupy Wall Street movement is all about, the fact that the
    'Protection of Individual Rights' have ceased to exist

    so far as how OWS effects the economy, I certainly don't expect it to create the
    mayhem the 'capitalist oligarchs' have in the last few years

    it would be interesting to see the results and effect of a new style of voting, one
    where in addition to marking an X to Elect a candidate, one could mark an X on
    the NO box, meaning that candidate is being voted to Not be elected - if the NOs
    were a greater number than the Elect numbers, the candidate wouldn't be elected
    and if NOs of all the candidates were greater than the Elects, people like Cantor
    and their ilk might then ensure that ". . . government of the people, by the people,
    for the people . . ." exists
    #11     Oct 10, 2011
  2. US companies are evading taxes by opening/operating an office in Ireland.
    But US citizen must pay income tax to US Gov if he is working in Ireland.

    Insider trading is legal to US Congress members.
    And insider trading is illegal to US Citizens.

    How long this hypocrisy will continue?
    #12     Oct 14, 2011
  3. I agree with you, but I want to point out that there sis no such thing as a peaceful revolution.
    Politicians and Club Med corporations are only scared by extreme violence. I am not suggesting any of course, just expanding on your comment.
    #13     Oct 14, 2011