How do you meditate for optimizing the mind for trading?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by helpme_please, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. Billionaire Ray Dalio attributes meditation as the biggest factor for his success. I am not greedy. A tiny fraction of his billions is enough for me.

    I would like to ask the elitetraders here who meditate for trading outperformance. How do you meditate to set up your mind for trading out-performance? What mantra do you use? Do you keep repeating "money, money" inside your mind and imagine green dollars floating around?

    beginner4u likes this.
  2. Sprout


    Focusing on one’s breathe and noticing the space in between thoughts is a good and easy one. There’s apps out there that are good, I like Calm in that it tracks how often I’m diligent or slacking.
    ElCubano and CSEtrader like this.
  3. maxinger


    I like your mantra " MONEY ".
    If it works for you, then use it.

    My mantra is " REMEMBER "
    because I don't want my subconscious mind to control me.

    Some might use mantra like
  4. By emptying my freaking brain.
  5. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

  6. maxinger


  7. Visaria


    Haha, no. If u want to focus on something use something that will not trigger strong emotions perhaps a chair or a pencil.
  8. They


    It seems that the original tweet of Ray Dalio emphasized he was meditating on something noumenal vs phenomenal. Not sure but I think the TM people receive a seed mantra, either OM HRIM or KLIM. They are considered primeval sounds from which the material elements manifest - earth, water, air, fire, ether, which along with the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance create the senses and their objects.

    Perhaps he has gotten a taste of the transcendent and thus has realized it to be of greater value than his impermanent billions.

    Generally in the mediation process breath control is a mechanical step that leads to mind control. One can begin the meditation process only after the mind has been controlled which implies there are no mundane emotions as these arise from an uncontrolled mind.
  9. tommcginnis


    You have a choice between emptying the mind, to fill it with Trading,

    or simply filling it with Trading.

    I don't have time to do both, so I do the second.
    ElectricSavant and They like this.
  10. Or, you could just make up your mind that you are going to exercise discipline and "do the right thing". (There was a thread on ET recently.. "How do I make myself do the right thing"? Don't know that any of us have the answer.)

    Trading is all about...

    #1. Knowledge/logic/probibility

    #2. Discipline... to do the work, pay proper attention, make the trades/stops #1 tells you to.

    Two quotes have stuck with me over the years.

    1. From Mr. Spock... "When all other alternatives have been eliminated, what remains.. however seemingly improbable... must be the truth".

    2. From Sherlock Holmes when asked, "Just what is it that you do, Mr. Holmes?" He replied, "I observe and deduce".

    Get your mind around those notions to improve your trading. Applies much more than it appears on the surface.

    KISS, as always. (philosophically simple, psychologically difficult to execute... apparently)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    #10     Sep 20, 2018
    CSEtrader, They, fan27 and 1 other person like this.