How do you distinguish between the belief in God and the occult?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Brass, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Brass


    In your dreams.
    #41     Mar 21, 2012
  2. achilles28


    Who is forcing what? Evolution is dogma. Creationism is dogma. You're getting an equal portion of religious dogma in the classroom. If you don't like God on the nickels or in the Anthem, big deal. Don't you have bigger fish to fry? Obama passed legislation to throw Americans in camps forever, with no trial, based on mere suspicion, plus assassinating citizens in America, and you're bitching about references to God? Ever heard of priorities, man? Or is this your axe to grind? Separation of church and State. I get it. So everyone else is a raving nut cause our rights are going to shit. But it's okay to pretend the country isn't going to hell in a handbasket, and bitch about having to swear on a Bible in court, which you never go to. Very good. Now I understand.
    #42     Mar 21, 2012
  3. achilles28


    Read a biology textbook. Seriously. You haven't a clue...
    #43     Mar 21, 2012
  4. Brass


    Did you miss this post earlier in the thread:
    #44     Mar 21, 2012
  5. Epic


    You completely missed my point because of you lack of ability to look at the whole picture.

    Secularism has already been forced onto religious people. Usually they are just trying to slow it down.

    They are forced to pay taxes. They don't get to stipulate how that tax money is spent. So they pay for schools and they subsidize biotech companies against their will. Then these same organizations use the money for purposes that they disagree with.

    The schools tell them that even though they are paying for it to exist, they get no say in what material is taught.

    The biotech companies perform cloning and stem cell research, which requires the creation of a fetus that will knowingly be destroyed. To many religious people this is murder. But they are still forced to pay for it.

    They completely disagree with abortion, yet their taxes are used to fund it.

    Are they allowed to stop paying taxes? No. So they are forced to push their agenda. They fight for the right to mention creationism in the classroom. They fight to stop tax funds from going to abortion clinics. Etc....
    #45     Mar 21, 2012
  6. We are all forced to pay taxes for things we don't want our taxes paying for. Like wars, too many secret service men on vacations, all sorts of things. That particular argument doesn't hold.

    #46     Mar 21, 2012
  7. achilles28


    Agreed with stem cells. Epic refuted the other points. Abortion and birth control is really none of the Federal Governments business. Why should liberals expect taxpayers to foot their reproductive bills? As far as curriculum, again, most of it is dogma, on both sides. What else is there?
    #47     Mar 21, 2012
  8. achilles28


    Ah yes. So we should keep paying and shut up. The ol' "two wrongs, make a right" argument.
    #48     Mar 21, 2012
  9. Brass


    #49     Mar 21, 2012
  10. Yet you're probably one of those holy trinity believers. Ironic isn't it?
    There is nothing in biology books or chemistry books that proves or even suggest there is a god, let alone a Jesus god. Next.
    #50     Mar 21, 2012