How do you deal with anger?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by halfwaythere, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    #11     Dec 18, 2012
  2. anger is a sign of not mature. just like a kid, in order to get what he/she wants, play mad/angery card to let his/her parents yield.

    simple plain: if people can get what they want by just throwing tantum, then this world are full of 3 or 4 yrs of kids.

    in reality, lots of people around you are not your parents, they will not yield becuase of anger/mad, the world is cold. anger is useless. the market does not care you are losing or you did not enter a nice setup, no, not at all. you can not manipulate the cold world by anger.
    #12     Dec 18, 2012
  3. We all know anger is a waste of energy and in fact getting angry makes me even angrier because inside I'm like why the fuck am I angry? I'm told I get angry because I'm depressed which is hard for me to wrap my head around because I should seemingly have the life. I don't really desire anything except for my neighbor's wife :p

    40 mg of cellexa seems to help a bunch but I'm just waiting for my therapist to tell I should get divorced.
    #13     Dec 18, 2012
  4. ammo


  5. #15     Dec 21, 2012
  6. Handle123


    People use to laugh when they came over to my office as so much of the bare wall was exposed, I used to throw whatever I could get my hands on, PC's, keyboards, mice, pens...had the closet filled with backup computer equipment. I wasn't always that way in the beginning, but as I aged and got to be a decent scalper, I just expected to win 85% of the time. After another bouncing off the wall, I took all my systems and tossed them into the fireplace. I reasoned that the anger was due to the method I was trading was not in line with my older personality. So I made new ones, concentrated on not losing instead of profits, and little by little it has evolved into something better than I had before. If you are not losing, you can average down on each trade, so even breakeven trades become nice winners.

    Now I only have two laptops in my office and have exercise equipment. I am very competitive with myself, I have learned to use my emotions when I trade too, but for exits only as my emotions say one thing and I will trade the other way.

    I believe "anger" is a way of discovery within yourself, you can either say it is a bad emotion or you can learn from it.
    #16     Dec 21, 2012
  7. that's why before you start trading, you should be totally screwed by a woman you trusted and loved.

    That way, when ES moves against you it will be no big deal.
    #17     Dec 21, 2012
  8. If can not be in control of your emotions it's going to make trading difficult.

    Anger is just fear!
    Always fear.

    So how do you get over fear?

    Some people use faith.

    Lucky, for some they use religion, they sleep good.
    But I have heard them say I just don't get it I go to church and I am still broke and I get stopped out right at the extreme tick and then it reverses.

    But if your a good trader faith and superstition falls very short.
    You may be better served to get a plan and have faith in your self to take the stop when needed.

    best way is to have a plan and test it and then stick to it.

    Hate to say it but most can't get that, and to be rich and be part of the 5% means the other 95% need to lose.


    I am going way out on a limb here because I don't know you and you didn't ask...
    but anger, pretty much a sign of immaturity unless someone came in your house and unplugged your computer.

    It's also a racket your doing it because you get a reward?
    what is the reward,

    Could be not having to admit that you don't have a plan. (yet)

    #18     Dec 22, 2012
  9. huchonok


    I'm practicing yoga. It helps me to stay cool. also I'm always trying to redirect my anger into good deeds. And sport-it always helps me.
    #19     Dec 24, 2012
  10. I used to pick fights when I was growing up. Maybe I learned it from my dad. He used to make me fight all the older kids when I was little.

    Last year I was very stressed out for a lot of different reasons. I started getting heart palpitations and chest pain. Then one day I felt I was gonna die. My pulse raised up over 180... with chest pain. It scared me. I used to always think I wasn't "scared of death". But, I still have a lot of things I want to do in life.

    I realized I was stressing about stupid stuff. it's simply not worth getting so worked up.

    Chill. Life is short...
    #20     Dec 24, 2012