How do I trade Forex?

Discussion in 'Forex' started by tradingacct1, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. what is it?
    i mean, i know what it is, but, how do you trade it?

    EUR/USD for example. do you just look at it, set some targets and trade near support and resistance?

    What do you look for?
    Consider this a beginners thread and question.

  2. gkishot


    Don't trade forex.
  3. take this free system in first post
  4. Why not?
  5. It is hard because it is more choppy and less trendy , at least picking stocks you can get rises of 200 to 1,000 % , so your risk reward improves.

    In forex there is no appreciation , so your risk reward increases.

    let us say you risk 50 points in fx for 50 profit , in stock you can get 500 for 100 = rr 5
  6. Handle123


    Is there anything to how many posts one has to duration when first signed up to ET? Churn and Burn.

    ROFLMAO "rises of 200 to 1,000 %" so penny stock buyer, yea real conservative to offer other newbies.
    VPhantom likes this.

  7. Handle

    you don't know what you are doing


  8. Xela


    Because if you trade the nearest month's Euro futures instead of EUR/USD, volume is available as well. The correlation between price movements in the EUR/USD and price movements in the nearest Euro future is about 99.9%, so the question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to trade the same thing with volume available, rather than without it being available. Not a very difficult decision, really.

    People trading EUR/USD against counterparty market-makers in the spot forex arena are those without enough working capital to trade futures. If you have that, there's no advantage in trading the EUR/USD.

    And now we'll doubtless see whether anyone finds this view "contentious". ;)
    lovethetrade, birzos and Handle123 like this.
  9. Handle123


    Only time I trade forex are pairs that are not common and going to stay in them weeks or months. Biggest con of Forex is never paying a commission as often you pay through the nose on pip spreads.
    #10     Oct 14, 2016
    lovethetrade and Xela like this.