How do I find the correct exchange recognised spread for ES-YM ?

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by Traderesque, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. I'm trying to find the correct exchange recognised spread ratio for ES-YM to get maximum margin credit - so I went to and in the drop down there is no "ES" - Just SP - is this the bigger version of ES?
    Is ES = SP/10? - how do I work out the correct ratio for ES-YM?


    If I take the current values of ES [3225.0] and YM [28472] - the dollar ratio appears to be (3225*50)/(28472*5) = 1.1338 i.e., trade 1.1338 ES contracts for every 1 YM or the closest (<20 contracts) being 17 ES to every 15 YM (see table below)
    diff = round(ES,0) - ES
  2. CannonTrading_Ilan

    CannonTrading_Ilan Sponsor

    the answer is $1243 1 to 1 ES vs YM .. ( the exchange posts the full size 250 x the index) and the YM at 1-5 for a 90% discount. so it follows that with a 90 % discount on 12,430.00 ( ym @ 5500 + es@ 6930 =12430) then 10% of both overnights gives you $1243.00 as your recognized spread margin.. feel free to PM me for more info or call 800-454-9572 and ask for John.
    Traderesque likes this.
  3. perfect - thank you for the clarification.
    CannonTrading_Ilan likes this.
  4. MichalTr


    You are asking about ES, and you checked SP, that's why you see that big ratio.
    ES-YM 1:1 90% credit
    Overnight likes this.
  5. No - there is no “ES” from the drop down to select in the first place.

    The closest I could find was “SP” - the explanation Canon Trading gave is correct (ie that exchange lists SP ($250 x index) instead of the ES ($50 x index). So I just need to substitute 5 in place of 1 in 1:5 (SP vs YM) and it gives me what I was looking for.
  6. MichalTr


    I always thought that this kind of calculation is for intermarket and for intramarker it works like that:
    ES 6930
    YM 5500
    6930 - 5500*0,9 = 1980 USD

    According to info below:
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  7. Overnight


    6,930+5,500*0.1 gives you 1,243. :)
    CannonTrading_Ilan likes this.
  8. MichalTr


    I typed::
    6930 - 5500*0,9 = 1350

    I meant:
    6930 - 5500*0,9 = 1980

    Too late (in my country), time to sleep :D
  9. MichalTr


    Indeed, there is no ES listed, I have never checked it, that's interesting info.
  10. Overnight


    Indeed. But 1980 would also have been wrong. Yes, go to sleep. :)
    #10     Dec 30, 2019
    Traderesque likes this.