How do C students get into Harvard Business School?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. Thank you. I have a few questions:

    Is it wrong to feel happy when trading?
    Right or wrong is an opinion. There is no right or wrong outside of opinions. Therefore, it's your opinion whether or not your sense of happiness gained by trading is wrong. Other opinoins obviously affect our opinions. But in the case of trading, you opion will probably be the most influential for yourself.

    Should I feel guilty if I make money as a hobby?
    Refer to the above question and answer.

    Can I be a failure but be good at trading even if I am happy? Failure is an opinion. Most things, once, picked apart end up being opinions.

    If I get the piece of paper from the University and know all the wrong people, does it matter?
    Another opinion.

    If I am a high school grad am I successful?

    Could I focus on what I believe to be correct and be wrong?

    Can an elipse be used in the beginning of a sentence or incomplete sentence?
    I think it's academically acceptable to use an elipse at the beginning of a sentence. Though there are rules for grammar those rules can be broken and those rules vary according to what country and style you reffer to. I do believe an elipse may be accurately used following or preceeding a phrase.

    Could trading just be data entry? Could trading not be creative, challenging or stimulating and if it is, are you just gambling?

    Successful trading requires intution, emotional discipline, introspection, creativity, problem solving skills, visual spatial skills and many other cerebral activities. Trading is whatever you decide it to be. I suggest thinking of it
    as a bad activity this week and then a good activity next week. Different and changins perspectives may help in understanding subtleties, moral dilemas and other aspects.

    I hope I've answered your questions. Thank you for allowing my opinions. Please ask whatever questions you like.
    #71     Apr 11, 2004