How do C students get into Harvard Business School?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. #11     Apr 9, 2004
  2. damir00

    damir00 Guest

    limited spaces, what are you gonna do? no matter what policy is instituted places like stanford and harvard are going to turn away more super-qualified kids than they let in.
    #12     Apr 9, 2004
  3. Damire, cini mi se imenom (makar, sugerise tvoje ime) da ti ovo razumijes; odakle si? Jesi slovenac? Ili iz neke druge drzave stare Jugoslavije? Se izvinjavam unapred ako ni si ili ako nemas pojma o cemu govorim. Ipak ako jesi, pa javi se da se cujemo.

    #13     Apr 10, 2004
  4. My wife works at UCLA, and when I walk around the campus with her just about EVERYONE looks asian. They do what it takes to get the test scores to get in.

    I have a Korean friend. His children are young, like 5th grade and 8th grade. He pays a math tutor to come to his home twice a week to tutor both kids at a cost of $200 a week. He works 6 days a week to pay for this added expense. They also both go to another school on Saturdays to groom them to do better on the SAT, I have no idea what this costs. He says they both have to have straight "A's", especially in math NO MATTER WHAT. There are no other options for these kids.
    #14     Apr 10, 2004

  5. There is a ten year-old kid in my intermediate algebra class. His mother or father joins him for class which is twice per week.

    UCB and UCLA are great schools that offer ivy league level educations to people that can't afford 30,000+ per year for college.

    If I don't gain entrance to an ivy
    I plan to enter UCLA for an undergraduate degree beginning Fall 2005. I hope to go all the way, end up gaining a PHD at some ivy league or.

    School is great for creating connections.
    As for fine art, a graduating from a respected school can greatly impact one's commercial success.

    After obtaining a phd, or omniscience, I'll then take myself away for two years to write a book about something important enough to justify my existence. Art and stock market speculation are my favorite hobbies. I should be able to do whatever I want to do. What else is there to do but what one really enjoys?

    Being smart makes for an easy and interesting life. Being talented is only one step below being a genius. I really want to be a genius. :)
    #15     Apr 10, 2004
  6. From what I understand (second hand) it is harder and harder to get into UCLA as an endless number of potential students compete for fewer and fewer slots. In my wife's dept, there is a student worker that helps out with things. My wife has befriended her and has told me how impressed she is with her and the other students she meets.

    After weeks of conversation the student had with my wife, my wife told me she not only had near perfect scores on the SAT, she had over a 4.0 grade point average with advanced placement class credit. In fleshing out her vital "resume" to impress college entrance personal she had taken jazz piano, hawaiian dance, tap dance, volunteered extensively at a hospital, and traveled to Costa Rica during a recent summer with a church group to volunteer for something else.

    I understand she still sweated getting into UCLA. I guess it is THAT hard! Oh, and my wife gets e-mailed all the time about cut backs, budget problems, and staff eliminations. It will probably just get harder for students....
    #16     Apr 10, 2004
  7. Yeah, I don't have the grades, but artistically I'm probably somewhat brilliant. So I hope that my portfolio will be the main factor in my acceptance.

    The fact is, at least as far as I know and so I hope, I'm good enough to participate in, and dominate, any art school.

    Once they let me in, I will take center stage within weeks.

    SO why did I just tell you all of this, because even with this much skill and confidence I'm still insecure about my acceptance into a good US school.
    #17     Apr 10, 2004
  8. How about Art Center College in Pasadena?

    They do some VERY cool stuff....they graduate top automobile designers and all sorts of other industrial designers...practical stuff.
    #18     Apr 10, 2004
  9. No thanks, I'm not into practical art, but thanks for inspiring the phrase: pracitcal art (though I do have a few designs for houses and furniture).

    Here's a good one, the only practical thing I do is stock and option trading.
    #19     Apr 10, 2004
  10. I am fed up of all this affirmative action crap... people should get in on their grades... otherwise Harvard is gonna end up looking like some kind of African university which happens to be in the USA...

    Why should a Chinese student with a 1600 SAT and a 4.0GPA be screwed over for a black student with a 1300 SAT and a 3.0GPA? It totally sucks and will result in a bunch of incompetent, substandard professionals at the end of the qualification cycle...

    Do it on proven academic ability, not on how dark your skin is...
    #20     Apr 11, 2004