How Could Anyone be Both Christian & Republican?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by heisenbern, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. piezoe


    What are your referring to when you write "massive electronic printing of dollars" or "massive inflation". And what does electronic have to do with anything -- If I credit your account electronically it's no different than if I went to your bank with a bundle of cash and deposited "into your account". In either case your account exists as an bookkeeping entry in a computer file, not as a pile of paper with your name tag on it. Have you lost your mind? Do you see any "massive" inflation? And what is your unhealthy obsession with George Soros all about?.
    #21     Aug 12, 2017
  2. I looked at the title and wondered how anyone could be either.

    I'll get my coat now.
    #22     Aug 13, 2017
    piezoe likes this.
  3. piezoe


    May I join you.
    #23     Aug 13, 2017
    justrading likes this.
  4. jem


    are you not the very person who tried to argue that the Federal Reserve does not print dollars when it creates them.

    I write it that way because of douchey arguments made by you or someone here just like you.
    I was fine with saying the FED prints dollars out of thin air. you had a problem with it.

    you took my argument. I was the one stating when the FED creates dollars electronically its the same its the same as printing money out of thin air.

    have you lost your mind.... do you not remember the out of thin air argument.
    do you not remember when we showed your graphs of the FEDs account by trillions when they took in all those previously almost worthless bonds and credited members accounts with the trillions they made out of thin air?

    #24     Aug 14, 2017
    murray t turtle likes this.
  5. jem


    it should have said the fed's account increased by trillions.
    #25     Aug 14, 2017
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. piezoe


    Go back to my old posts if you want to understand exactly how the money supply is increased and the difference between what the U.S. central bank does and plain printing. I've already explained in detail. I won't repeat. But the bottom line is that the process used by the Fed is reversible, i.e., the money supply can later be decreased, whereas actual printing is not reversible except by using a match.

    You have never quite figured out that the Fed is just a semi-independent branch of the Treasury set up by the Congress to limit political interference in Central Bank operations. You're still in another world where everything is a conspiracy and the Fed is a Creature from Jekyll Island.:D
    #26     Aug 15, 2017
  7. jem


    first of all you response is a non sequitor.
    you were the person who made the ignorant arguments about printing. Whether the created money can be reversed is irrelevant to the point. It is just another one of your deceptions.

    you sir are a leftist liar attempting to deceive the reader.

    The only control the govt can exercise of the FED board is to vote with the bank appointed member in a unanimous decisions or it can pull the charter of this private money creating institution.

    Anybody with a brain can do the research. The Federal Reserve system is owned by it private shareholders. There is no disputing that. You never named any govt shareholders when asked.

    If you know of any shares owned by the govt let us know. Otherwise cease lying. The Federal Reserve on it website acknowledges its owned by shareholders. That is the bottom line. Ownership. The shares are privately held. its a private money creating bank.

    you can now write whatever lies you wish.
    i will be wasting my time correcting your paid sellout deceptions. Good luck with you conscience.

    #27     Aug 16, 2017
  8. piezoe


    Of course it's not irrelevant.
    You have an active imagination. It's quite entertaining. The 'owners' should put the central bank up for sale and cash in ;)

    Or maybe George Soros will decide to acquire a majority share of the 'stock' and buy a seat on the board. :p
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
    #28     Aug 16, 2017
  9. %% I see your points, Mr Maxi. Jesus Christ also called gentile woman a dog to her face. LOL. Then when she did not bitch about it [so to speak.LOL] he healed her free!! Matthew15 [ I AM not using bitch in a dirty sense; its a name for female dog, that gets healed, free LOL:D:caution::caution:
    #29     Aug 22, 2017
  10. %%
    Long story short+ thanks for link; most Catholics/Christian/Jews/muzzies with common sense are against the ACA . ACA Is A TRAINWRECK==============================================.PS Note, not only do many of them believe in the supernatural LORD healing; Jews, Baptists Catholics/Christians have built plenty of hospitals. Thanks for exposing errors:cool::cool:
    #30     Sep 11, 2017