How corporate interests and Republican insiders built the Tea Party monster

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hermit, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Tea Party is a bunch of ignorant moron rednecks that are just angry at life but cannot take responsibility for their voting.

    In 2000 they voted for W to "restore dignity and honor" to the white house and because they could have a beer with him and because al gore "invented the internet"(a bold faced lie) or because Al Gore was too 'robotic" for them.

    It was a laughable concept that someone who was a degenerate alcoholic until his 40s(almost got into a fight with his dad), and who rode his daddy's coattails his whole life was going to restore dignity and honor to ANYTHING.

    Of course voting for morons has consequences and we got 8 years of misery and a fraudulent economy based on the housing bubble. W wasted a trillion just in Iraq alone, wiped out any possible projected surpluses from the Clinton era in one stroke and all that magical economic growth that was supposed to appear out of his tax cuts never appeared (surprise surprise).

    Fast forward to the present day. Those idiots rail against the social programs but don't pay attention to america's severely bloated military budget and great many military bases abroad.

    Without Medicare/Social Security there would be HORDES of homeless seniors on the street.

    The queen of the red necks Sarah Palin is a laughable human being that is a complete emptyhead(she makes W look like a nobel prize winner)

    Cutting taxes is not an economic policy. You can cut taxes all you want, you will simply create budget deficits which if those become structural will move the country closer to default and oblivion as the result.

    When all those kooks take power you will see some scary shit. I am thankful that I have at least 2 years of some stability before all hell breaks loose (Sarah Palin presidency or any tea party idiot)
    #11     Sep 29, 2010
  2. They ain't coming to power.
    They'll do the exact same thing every other extreme movement does: get their fifteen minutes, blow up, and fade away.
    The twenties saw a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan; the thirties had the Communists (the real ones), the Fifties and Sixties had the Birchers, the late Sixties had all the radical left movements (the real ones, again), the nineties had the right wing militias, and now we've got the Tea Party.
    All those others had their moment and disappeared. These nutters will too.
    Angle? A joke. O'Donnell? A bad joke. Paladino? A criminally bad joke. If more than one out of these three bombs actually wins, well, that will be a very bad sign. I doubt that will happen.
    #12     Sep 29, 2010
  3. Yes, and each of those movements had a substantial and lasting influence of the establishment. For example the establishment we have now largely has it's conceptual roots in the baby boomer - gen x left wing, drugged up "college radical" culture and it's "moral right" opposition. It's defined what we currently think of as "PC" and directed us toward the themes of "equality" and given our politics the class obsessed tone it currently has. It's created our bilateral big government culture. It was really a rough run... Can you think of a shittier group of influences to shape our nation?? It's no mystery why the country is such a shit heap. Both bodies of influence are absolute horse shit. Each of these groups has made a lasting impact on the cultural and political nuances of the nation. With the tea party, just like all the others it's simply a matter of HOW MUCH difference they can make during their "15 minutes". All signs point to the Tea Party's as being very substantial and lasting influence. Hopefully more than the recent previous bodies of thought which have influenced America. Hopefully there is a small, limited, and decentralized future for American government.

    Vote for change!!!

    #13     Sep 30, 2010