How can i protect my savings from a lawsuit

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Bob111, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. The golden rule to avoid lawsuits is to be nice to everyone you meet, never speak bad about anyone and to be low key.

    Anyone can go into a courthouse and file a lawsuit...however, they have to figure out who you are first AND they have to have enough energy to go through the motions of a lawsuit...therefore if you are low key then no one will figure out who you are and if you are nice to everyone you meet then no one will have the energy to go through the motions of a lawsuit.

    Whenever you say or do something, keep in mind that ANYONE can walk into a courthouse and file a lawsuit for any reason whether it has merit or not. They do not need a lawyer to file a suit...the court fees are minimal and can even be waived for low income folks...You may think someone has no grounds to file a lawsuit, but they can and will which means you have to hire an attorney at $250/hour and it becomes a harsh distraction in your life. The "groundless lawsuit" may or may not be thrown out.

    Many times you see very wealthy individuals keeping quiet not saying anything and trying to be as low key as possible. The reason is that they know if they open their mouth, especially in a negative manner, then lawsuits can be rained down upon them. the first place...

    Think before you speak, write or do. Even comments on an anonymous message board such as this one can get you into hot water quickly...
    #31     Mar 27, 2010
  2. 377OHMS


  3. jem


    that is a great... unless the bank with the safe deposit box moves. (happened to a relative.) he found the new office later.
    #33     Mar 27, 2010
  4. I like a low key life. I do not like to bring attention to myself. I have no facebook etc.. and live a very private life. People need to be a little discreet at times and not flash so much shit around and attract attention of the wrong crowd. Especially when people get nosy and ask questions about your net wealth and shit. Its no ones business.
    #34     Mar 27, 2010
  5. morganist

    morganist Guest

    you could get precious metals and store them at home. you could keep it secret and no one would know. put in a safe or hide it well. that way you can be wealthy, liquid and you can use it anywhere in the world. it hedges against currency weakness\collapse. you could try a numbered account.
    #35     Mar 27, 2010
  6. your automobile is the greatest liability risk, so max out your auto insurance liability and PD coverage.

    next greatest risk would be your spouse-turned-ex-spouse. i don't know what to do about that except recommend a prenupt or stay single.

    next would be a firearm, a vicious dog or a non-fenced swimming pool. this is what home owner's liability insurance is for.

    but to answer the OP's question: a swiss bank account.
    #36     Mar 27, 2010
  7. I think whether you are rich or poor its always best to be low key.

    If someone gets pissed at you, then all they need to do is a file a lawsuit to cause you trouble. I have seen it happen to ordinary individuals who were talking smack in workplaces about other employees and then all of a sudden they get served with a summons and complaint...their house insurance ultimately footed the bill for the resulting defamation case.

    Leave other people alone, stay lowkey and always be friendly (even to people you do not like). Once you go off that simple formula then you have to start looking over your shoulder...

    #37     Mar 28, 2010
  8. I think if you paid appropriate taxes your savings are safe.
    #38     Mar 28, 2010
  9. jem


    I remember reading about Buzzy Schwartz running down to get his gold during a potential crisis. ( in his autobiography)

    It kind of turned me off to the idea. But, the more I thought about this, the more I think some my clients need to do this with a percentage of their portfolios.

    Do you know much about this subject? Where should I go for the best information on this subject. Obviously liquidity and store of value around the world is huge. Also discouting different types of crises would be very useful.

    Before I felt like I was just not able to give people good enought solutions to make it worth my time to get involved in asset protection. This is a good one when combined with properly structured corps and homesteads. Thank you.
    #39     Mar 28, 2010
  10. Lethn


    Not if a recession hits again they won't be! lulz! :p
    #40     Mar 28, 2010