How can I force myself to make less trades??

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by msn, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. 7you should be doing like 2-3 maybe a max of 10 trades a day if you want to be successful and osme of those trades should be to open and close out new and old positions.
    personally you are never going to make it if you need this board to help you change your ways..
    scalping is no way to make money.. even floor traders cannot do it anymore!!!!!!!!!

    use real money and liek the other guy said ..when you run out just be done with this
    #11     Jul 21, 2009
  2. Buy the book Trading in the Zone.

    You may find that the setups you see as sure fire winners are another way of


    Most traders think they really understand the risk of trading but Douglas shows by examples how traders really feel that they can predict the outcome of their trades.

    Once you accept the risk, you will find your trades decreasing.


    Alex L. Wasilewski
    Co-Founder & Head Trader
    Trades That Work
    1-877-GOLONG1 ( 1-877-465-6641 )
    #12     Jul 21, 2009
  3. buylo


    What are your indicators?? Write down your reasons for all your trades and be completely honest. Some of the stuff you write down will sound ridiculous once you start to review your trades.
    #13     Jul 22, 2009
  4. If you forced to make 4 or less trades per YEAR, you'll start to become profitable.
    #14     Jul 25, 2009