How can a put expire ITM and still lose money?

Discussion in 'Options' started by 1a2b3cppp, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. Bob111


    :D :D :D
    #11     Apr 27, 2011
  2. 1a2b3cppp,

    Of course a put can lose money even if it is ITM for example if you pay $400 for it, and it finishes $1 ITM, you would lose ~$300.

    The only thing I would say is that some people might (incorrectly) say their put is "in the money" when they are profitable, but it is not actually ITM yet.

    For example if XYZ was at $50, and a person bought a $45 strike put for $200 - a week later XYZ is at $46 and the put is $350. The person talking in a bit of slang might say their trade (their Put) is in the money (even though the put is out of the money still).

    Thats the only way I can figure someone could think that ITM automatically means profitable

    #12     Apr 27, 2011
  3. rew


    That's true on the planet Zarkon, where you can buy puts for free. Come back to ET after you've learned how options work here on planet Earth.
    #13     Apr 27, 2011
  4. You know, maybe it was that.

    I forgot ET was only for profitable traders who already know everything.
    #14     Apr 27, 2011
  5. donnap


    This guy's a troll, not a trader.
    #15     Apr 27, 2011
  6. On one school of thought, I say, LOL - that's a lot of posts for such a question.

    On the other hand, we all were once a novice and didn't know a put from a call. If everyone was a superior trader out there, then how could anyone else make money? Let's try to be humble and let him realize the answer to his question. That's a hard thing to do knowing ET though.:D :D
    #16     Apr 27, 2011
  7. This has alot of things to do while that put is not profitable. There's no time decay. There's no Volatility on the contract so now it perfectly rely on intrinsic value to do the job which is not. But in order for me to make a correct decision on why that contract ain't profitable you need to provide a little more information.
    #17     Apr 27, 2011
  8. rew


    No, it's not for people who know everything. But really, you should know that it costs money to buy a put.
    #18     Apr 28, 2011
  9. How'd you get through security?
    #19     Apr 28, 2011
  10. spindr0


    And once again another troll takes it up the Zarkon

    BTW, I stared at the OP's heat map for 2 minutes without blinking and I saw Walt Disney's profile !!!

    #20     Apr 28, 2011