How busy are you during the trading day?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by lescor, Apr 25, 2003.

  1. You are right. I should not presume to tell anyone who has been trading for three months what to think. I shouldn't tell anyone what to think. You'd think that after 18 years of trading I would have learned more. I continually make that mistake.

    In fact I remember when I was at your stage. After three months of trading, I did not have the discipline to do whatever it took to be successful nor did I have the discipline avoid the same mistakes over again. It took time to overcome the former. I am still and always will be working on the former.
    #41     Apr 25, 2003
  2. We don't part company on the thought that work equals success in trading. I agree that there are times when taking a step back and getting away from trading would help my trading significantly. It is the daily distractions that I think hurt a trader. If I am going to be trading that day or week then be there and focus. If I am on vacation. I never even look at the paper or TV. I sometimes record the last hour of CNBC on the last day before I return to get a flavor for the markets action.

    As a trader, work does not guarantee success, certainly not in the short run. To be a success in the long-run without working hard is a struggle at best. Too often traders look at their carrer in too short of a time frame.
    #42     Apr 25, 2003
  3. Mecro,

    Check out these screen caps of me wasting people in Yuri's Revenge. HEHE

    I'm blue in this pic. Check out the map, top right corner. And notice I have a new grand cannon ready. :D
    #43     Apr 25, 2003
  4. For Mecro..

    I'm red in this pic. :cool: I used to be the best sh!t talker, too. LOL I'd cannon walk from my base all the way over to my enemy's base and then I'd tell him to get out of MY base. LOL I'd bet I've made little kids cry in that game. :)
    #44     Apr 25, 2003
  5. Mecro


    If going into a militant day trading trance from 9:30am till 4:00pm is what works for you, then great. Personally, I think it is sad that you take such a fun job so damn seriously that you probably do not even enjoy it. You probably force yourself to stare at the screen even if there is NOTHING going on and constantly remind yourself to find something to trade. That is just frustrating.
    That's exactly what I did during lunch and got into trades I should not have gotten into.

    Now I'm doing better because I can distract myself from bad periods like lunchtime. Apparently you cannot.
    #45     Apr 25, 2003

  6. Well said.

    Keep up the good work, you're on the right track.
    #46     Apr 25, 2003
  7. Mecro


    What's ur tag? I'm sure I've played you.
    I was and still am a420blunt. I was doing pretty good in RA2, top 100 at the end of the month, but in YR the Yuri side completely fucked up the balance.
    I was such an asshole too cause it was too much fun.

    I might install Yuri's on my home PC this weekend. Let me know if you will be on.
    #47     Apr 25, 2003

  8. anyone that needs to force distraction on himself to trade well has some serious discipline issues. you're gonna get into trouble sooner or later :eek: :eek: :eek:
    #48     Apr 25, 2003
  9. I was (am) crate8 and azkicker6. Haven't played in at least 6+ months though. I had a clan, too. "WMPC - We Make People Cry." :D

    I used to play a lot with these other people:


    #49     Apr 25, 2003
  10. Mecro,

    Don't let frustrated, miserable, people distract you. Some people are so miserable they have to put down other people so they can feel better.
    #50     Apr 25, 2003