House Republican Cucks Strip Immigration Patriot Steve King Of Committee Assignments

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Jan 14, 2019.


    Summary: King gave an interview with the NYT, obviously a bad move on his part. He made a reference to liberals' habit of slandering people they disagree with as "racists", and noted that other labels are now being used including white nationalist, white supremacist and western civilization and that he could not understand how "that language" became offensive. He has argued his reference was to "western civilization", not white supremacy, but this is like using the words NFL quarterback and black in the same sentence. It's ok for libs but a death sentence for a conservative.

    King is a pariah among democrats and establishment republicans because he is a strong defender of immigration laws and staunch opponent of amnesty. The usual suspects from both parties jumped at the chance to attack him for his remarks. Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy then stripped King of committee assignments.

    A cowardly attempt to placate vicious enemies in the opposing party and media is nothing new for republicans, particularly when they can also damage someone in their party who is not on script with their Koch Brothers message. They generously forfeited a safe Senate seat in Alabama following this course.

    Meanwhile the democrats have elected new House members who include a muslim woman who called the president of the United States a motherfucker, another who calls pretty much everyone a racist, and a Somali woman who has openly threatened whites. They join a clown car caucus of rabble rousers and demagogues personified by Maxine Waters. The democrats have never apologized for any of these loathsome people and don't have to worry about it because republicans don't have the stones to even challenge them. They prefer to throw one of their own off the back of the wagon.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  2. Don't get triggered snowflake.
    Fuck King and the rest of the white supremacists.
    Tony Stark likes this.
  3. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Not surprised a racist piece of shit like you would be a King supporter
  4. UsualName


    Oh boy a brown skinned woman used a curse word!
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Everyone right of far left is racist according to you, AK Forty Seven.
  6. You make my point. No one expects responsible, civil behavior from leftists, particularly those of color or muslim. Republicans are too timid to even object.

    Republicans however seem ever ready to sacrifice one of their own for the slightest imagined offense. I suppose they are desperate to hang on to the sub 10% of the black vote they get.
  7. UsualName


    The whole system is degenerating and at warp speed since Trump.

    I will say right now, so there is no equivocation, Trump is an asshole. This guy went around almost daily riling up animosity against Obama for no other reason than his African ancestry. Trump got Americans to believe and use as a weapon a racist and totally fabricated lie about their president.

    Now we are worried about an Arab woman calling Trump a MF. Not me, pal. This is the world the right created with faux Christianity and real racist attacks. Now we, as white people, want to act as though we are taken aback at such crude behavior from minorities that have a bone to pick.

    Give me a break.
  8. I am fine with leftists revealing their true intentions. We are in a war, but only one side, your side, seems to know that. The more your crazies shoot off their mouths, the better, as far as I am concerned.

    My problem is with virtue signaling republicucks like Romney and McCarthy.
  9. UsualName


    The tribe has spoken:

  10. Bobby Rush is right, they should have fired his ass outta there.
    #10     Jan 15, 2019