House Armed Services Chairman Wants Obama's Answers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Obama loons trying to defend the indefensible are proof positive that liberalism is a mental disorder.

    1) Before the attack the administration denied repeated requests by Ambassador Stevens and others for more security, despite prior attacks on our consulate and the British Ambassador, the closure of other embassies and the evacuation of the Red Cross.

    2) During the attack the administration watched in real time and received repeated urgent pleas for help, yet did NOTHING to stop it. Our ambassador was murdered and dragged through the streets and Obama went to Las Vegas the next day to continue his campaign.

    3) After the attack the administration put out lies and misinformation for weeks. After being called on it, they shifted their strategy to phony outrage, stonewalling and hiding behind the apron strings of an "investigation" which of course won't be completed until long after the election.
    #11     Oct 29, 2012
  2. LEAPup


    Yes, the TWO were told to stand down against dozens, even as their asses were being shot to shit! Some people in Washington need to be in handcuffs over this, Ocommunist being the fucking first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: This shit is tee totally un fucking believable!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
    #12     Oct 30, 2012
  3. LEAPup


    Yep, you nailed it. This is beyond shit even hollyweird could make up!:mad:
    #13     Oct 30, 2012
  4. +

    Oh, the way things would have changed had ONE A-10 rained down FIRE from above!

    :eek: :mad: :D
    #14     Oct 30, 2012
  5. hughb


    Obama's latest statement regarding this was nothing more than a vague, "someone will be held accountable" soundbite. You guys with this "official" information as to what happened need to look at where you are getting it, it hasn't come from Obama or anyone in the chain of command.

    Here is a CSM report with a witness statement that says militants were setting up checkpoints at 8PM around the US embasst that night:

    This is the most up to date report except for the Morning Joe interview where Obama simply repeated "we will find who's responsible".

    Even when McCain went on one of the Sunday morning talk shows to criticize Obama, he had nothing specific.

    And I don't think we will get anything specific before election day. The Republicans are not pushing it hard, (for whatever reason), and Romney's campaign is much to subdued to push it, he's running more of a "lose gracefully" type campaign since the last debate.

    This is not the first time reinforcements have been denied to Americans under an overwhelming attack. When the Israeli navy attacked the USS Liberty, American fighter planes were directed not to take off in defense of her.
    #15     Oct 30, 2012
  6. hughb


    This is exasperating. Not a single one of the news sites I've visited tonight, including the CSM and Fox, have Benghazi on the home page, Fox doesn't even have it on the home page of their editorial section.

    I don't get this - this issue should be the definining issue of the campaign, because it does look like gross incompetence with a loss of life to me. We know for a fact that our embassy was under attack for an extended period of time and we know that no reinforcements were sent. Why is there no interest in this story?

    My best guess is that reinforcements were not sent out of fear of violating Libyan airspace. Whoever made that decision has blood on their hands and they need punished accordingly.
    #16     Oct 30, 2012
  7. Isn't it ironic that a military commander in chief who is known for intently watching the replays of drone attacks, didn't call in this instrument of persuasion?

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #17     Oct 30, 2012
  8. That makes as much sense as a pimp all of a sudden being concerned with the virginity of one of his well used whores.

    We were the ones that were providing air cover for the rebellion.

    So violating airspace for muslim extremists fighting Qaddafi was A-OK but airspace needed to protect our own was not?
    #18     Oct 30, 2012
  9. Team Obama and the MSM have effectively squashed the story for now. High fives all around. Between the storm and the end of the campaigning there will be no real coverage of this for the time being.
    Obama now says someone will be held accountable. I find that odd considering the original story was this was just a flash mob got out control and nothing could be done about it. If that was the case, there's nothing to be held accountable for. Obviously someone screwed the pooch.
    #19     Oct 30, 2012
  10. LEAPup


    Yep, Otraitor and his pals the msm, are probably jumping for joy over hurricane sandy. Fox News showed a brief live clip of Romney in Ohio at an aid event. He spoke for about two minutes, and went out to personally distribute goods.
    Obama gives away free phones, and free birth control to animals who will use the phone, and don't need the birth control as they'll never use it anyway.
    Romney asks people to bring goods in and give those to people won NEED them to survive, and WILL use them...
    #20     Oct 30, 2012