Hotspot FX - ITCH

Discussion in 'Forex Brokers' started by zmax, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. zmax



    Anyone here with a hotspot fx account + itch mkt data feed? I'm interested to share (i pay my half) for using the itch. I do not intend to trade at hotspot, i only need the itch data for other trading purposes elsewhere, any ideas how to go over this?
    I do have a hs account at the moment but they push me to trade and call me every day to ask why i'm not trading.

    2) Also interested in splitting costs for a equinix collocation in their NJ facility. (NY2 i think)

    Please contact me if interested or having ideas.
  2. Nighthawk


    Why don´t you do HS a favor and trade 6-7 yards per $1 Million in equity like me and you will get your ITCH data for free?

    :p :D :)