Hoping Obama's place of birth truly was in Hawaii

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, May 7, 2009.

  1. It's what I have been trying to explain. The irony is he has proved that he was not born in America by posting his Certification of Live Birth on the web. Had he been born here he would not have been issued that instead it would be the "Certificate of Birth".

    How's your whittling doing??

    #11     May 7, 2009
  2. How does that "prove" anything?

    Whittling is going well...made myself a corn cob pipe.

    BTW: that's not Irony.

    #12     May 7, 2009

  3. Well, my traders' "intuition" just kicked in after reading these Obama birth certificate stories for a couple of months now, that both my wife and my daughter were born in Hawaii.....I will check their birth certificates to see if they are a "Certification of Live Birth" or a type that has the doctors name, hospital, etc.
    #13     May 7, 2009
  4. Maybe I don't know what Irony is. What I meant was its interestng that he was attempting to put the issue at rest by posting his certification of live birth but rather then proving he was born in America, it proved that he did not.

    You must have a bunch of pipes by now.

    #14     May 7, 2009
  5. Why should he provide anything? The President of United State does not responsed to kook jobs and conspiracy theorist. Let them spin themselves in circles until they fall over from dizziness or are distracted by another shadow in the dark.

    Are you still pissed off about Clinton's smuggling of cocaine through Mena, Arkansas?

    BTW: Don't feel bad Bush didn't know what Irony was either.

    #15     May 7, 2009

  6. Why should he provide anything? Good question, why, if it is a constitutional requirement that a prospective president be a natural born citizen, then one would hope that a procedure was in place to check for such things [sort of like when one applies for a passport or a drivers license ], and that the results were public information.

    Again, the States may fix this problem as a few have already developed legislation to demand candidates show a birth certificate before they can be listed on their ballot.

    As far as a POTUS not responding to "kook jobs" and "conspiracy theorist".....Mr. Obama seemed to be responding quite well to Hugo Chavez.
    #16     May 7, 2009
  7. He touched Hugo Chavez? That African/American should DIE!!!

    BTW: I went to Cuba during the embargo. I think I have communist cooties from it. I'm freaked out. Can you help me?


    BTW 2: if I seem dismissive...that's because I am. But that doesn't mean I don't like you.
    #17     May 7, 2009

  8. You are making a jackass out of yourself with this obsession over the birth certificate issue.

    Nothing is going to undo the election or Obama's status as POTUS; the US Supreme Court passed on even hearing the case.

    Give it up. WTF. You are insane.
    #18     May 7, 2009

  9. Well here's the deal, Doc....

    1) My beliefs are such that judging another based upon the color of their skin is akin to judging G-D Himself.....not a good thing for a guy like me to do ! My distaste for Mr. Obama's politics has nothing to do with his skin color.

    2) I am amazed that there does not seem to be a regulated system for verifying the candidates eligibility, that is open and available for public scrutiny. A Senator telling a constituent that Snopes.com has settled the birth certificate matter is not quite good enough in my unlearned opinion. For mercy's sake.

    3) As far as his touching Hugo.....well, I guess upon further thought, you are correct......he could have bowed, which would have been twice as bad [Humor, Doc, humor]
    #19     May 7, 2009
  10. What's the emoticon for "Rolling of the Eyes?"

    #20     May 7, 2009