Honest question...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by WDGann, Dec 26, 2003.

  1. Paper money...1957, "cold war" era.


    #41     Dec 27, 2003
  2. #42     Dec 28, 2003
  3. Ummm...

    So US was God and Germany was Satan???



    #43     Dec 29, 2003
  4. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    No WD...that is not quite right.

    United States=religion tolerating.
    Communists=atheists or else.

    Communism decried religion as the "opiate of the masses". It sought to replace church with state.

    Satan is an interesting fellow, he does not do evil things himself.....he just causes human beings to do evil things.......I guess he is like that little voice inside that says "do it, who is going to know".......
    #44     Dec 29, 2003
  5. If you're asking if just because we put "In God We Trust" on our money, do Christians think the US acts on behalf of God? Most that I know do not.

    But I'm not afraid to say that in the case of WWII, I think we did the morally right thing by entering the war and I think Hitler was doing the morally wrong thing.

    Do you disagree? Surely you're not arguing that we were wrong for entering the war? Or that Hitler was right in his war/political efforts?
    #45     Dec 29, 2003
  6. No... sorry this was getting kinda off topic so it was stupid post to get things in perspective.

    Anyways, from going through some replies, it's evident that there's a simple logic that everyone holds, which is:

    I (We) = Good

    They = Bad

    It seems like everything and everyone that comes against a person's view is bad. Taking that further...

    First person = Good
    Second person = Bad
    Third person = ???
    #46     Dec 30, 2003
  7. dbphoenix


    The President does, which is all that counts.
    #47     Dec 30, 2003
  8. dbphoenix


    Third person is "Them". If "I" is powerful, then "Them" is stupid and incapable. If "I" is powerless, then "Them" is mindless and compassionless. So "Them" is neither good nor bad, just a roadblock to whatever are one's goals.
    #48     Dec 30, 2003
  9. jem


    According to the recent line of thinking. Every trade I put on must be good.

    Db, I would like to know if you really believe what you say or you are just playing the devil's advocate.

    I have trouble fathoming being aware and thinking that all ethics are cultural- are all deeds really equal? Must we accept terrorism as a cultural difference in understanding. Is Osama bin laden the mother teresa of islam? Should I care about Osama's childhood, should I endeavor to wonder what I did to cause his hatred?
    #49     Dec 30, 2003
  10. "Ethnocentric" is the term I've heard for this. But I think most Americans realize that international politics is very, very complex and there is a lot of "grey" area. WW II is black/white in almost anyone's book. The Afghan war is pretty clear (at least for Americans). But just ask them about Iraq. You'd get a much wider variety of responses I think...

    I guess I'm saying that I don't think most people - at least I hope not - see us=good, them=bad all the time.

    But here's another question that would be more difficult for the typical American to answer: do you see yourself as superior to the rest of the world?
    #50     Dec 30, 2003