Homeland Security

Discussion in 'Politics' started by waggie945, May 26, 2004.

  1. Maverick74


    Waggie, you can't argue fiscal conservatism in one area but not in another. If you are going to be a fiscal conservative, you need to be consistent, which you are not. You are all over the place.

    And you asked me to sell out my principles for money? WTF is that? No, you can keep my freaking tax money. In fact, I'll pay more taxes if that will end abortion in this country. So yes, that is an issue.

    As far as homeland security Waggie, you are such a hypocrite on this issue. If you really want to spend billions of dollars, spend it on intelligence, not border security. You can't secure the borders Waggie, this is a fact and you know this. It just isn't possible.

    And besides, secure the borders from what? The terrorists are already here. Any bombs they will use here they can make here, they don't need to import anything.

    You keep screaming everyday about our borders and I have to control my laughter so I can even type. Do you even have a practical bone in your body?
    #21     May 27, 2004
  2. But you my friend are the one that is "arguing all over the place".

    You talk about being fiscally conservative, and yet the Administration that you are such a "cheerleader" for doesn't know how to do anything else but SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!!!

    You talk about those lovely "tax-cuts" that the Bush Administration has given us, yet you fail to recognize that these incredibly high deficits and the $250 billion dollars that is being spent on $1 billion dollar embassies and brand new prisons over in Iraq will undoubtedly be financed by the U.S. taxpayer!Face it, the Bush "tax-cuts" pale in comparison to the amount of money that the U.S. taxpayer is being asked to finance these massive budget deficits.

    Once again, you only see things as "liberal vs conservative".
    You know no other way, and that is why it is a waste of time trying to have a constructive discussion on policy.
    #22     May 27, 2004
  3. TigerO


    Mav is just totally full of shit and spin, a total moron brainwashed by his Nascar watching, beer guzzling trailer camp redneck losers.
    #23     May 27, 2004
  4. Maverick74


    No Waggie, I never said I approved of this administration's spending. I never said I was happy to see government waste. I never said we can't cut back on certain programs.

    My post was in response to you wanting to spend billions on securing our borders. Yet you can't give me one argument as to why this will even matter. You keep dodging the issue. I'm not happy about Bush's spending so what, now I have to accept your proposal of spending billions on border security? LMAO. Waggie, there is no logic there. If anything you should be arguing the opposite. That we should cut spending across the board including on border security, yet you cry about this issue every day like if we don't put a wall around the 20k miles of coastline we have in this country that we are in serious trouble. LOL. Waggie, I will debate this issue with you when you stop hiding behind Bush's spending problems. Fair enough?
    #24     May 27, 2004
  5. ElCubano


    I think that announcing the threat level itself is a joke.....would you tell a theif wether your home alarm is on alert or not???
    #25     May 27, 2004
  6. Coins


    I saw an ad yesterday related to this terrorist alert...

    It was a toll-free number to call 1-866-ATHREAT.

    Can you believe this?

    Who the hell thinks up these things? Homeland Sec staff?

    I'm sure if I a see a turbin-wearing guy walking down the street with a nuclear-looking device tucked under his arm, I'm breaking out my cell phone and calling 1-866-ATHREAT.

    *rolling eyes*..

    What exactly IS an ATH REAT anyway?

    And THIS is what my tax dollars pay for? Why not name it








    And this is supposed to do more than run up a multi-million dollar phone bill for the government?

    #26     May 27, 2004
  7. CBS reports tonight on the national news that the Homeland Security Department's Tom Ridge and his agency heard about Attorney General Aschcroft's latest details regarding the terror "warning" on television. And so did America's mayors.

    The information was not shared with State and Local police forces, or even FBI field offices. The whole warning process was usurped by the Attorney General.

    So much for having learned something 3 years ago!
    Just another "turf-war" amongst government department heads at the expense of the American public. And you think these guys would have learned their lesson?
    #27     May 27, 2004
  8. Maverick74


    Gee Waggie, you're right. This is earthbreaking news. Stop the presses. How do you uncover all this stuff. This stuff is unreal. What would we do without you? Keep up the good work. You might just save the day for us! In Waggie we trust.
    #28     May 27, 2004
  9. You must not have much of a life Mav if all you do is "stalk" me after each and every one of my posts.

    Who says your obsessive?
    Not you!

    #29     May 27, 2004
  10. Maverick74


    Kind of like you stalking trendfader and JS? Waggie, shouldn't you at least try to hide your hypocrisy instead of being so open about it. I think you probably take the cake on ET as being the most obsessive person ever with at least 500 posts or more going after Romeo/JS/Trendfader. And for what, you didn't like his market calls? LOL. And I'm obsessive? OK Waggie, you got me. You're too smart for me.
    #30     May 27, 2004