I've been looking for a site where i can view historical intraday charts (1 min, 3 min or 5 min for instance) for any particular stock. Viewing the previous days action is easy of course......... but i would like to be able to look back over the past month or so, to judge the 'usual' stock movement day by day. I have come up with a complete blank so far...... anyone found anything like this? thanks coops
Good luck as these short interval intraday charts pull huge amounts of (tick) data. Realtick will only give you a 1 minute intraday back so far as 11 days due to the data required to generate the chart.....and it costs $300 a month for the data feed. I doubt you will find it for free.
5 & up minutes barcharts only, check www.hquotes.com Fully stand alone client for free 30 days trial hsanson
man definitely check out prophetfinance.com their java charts, it even has cross hairs on it, and its for free. check itout
I'm pretty sure you can get a 5-minute chart 30 days back on eSignal. It's either 5 or 15 but I was thinking it's 5.
If you are referring to delayed quotes, try http://www.stockcharts.com is great! (Better than Bigcharts, I think...) If you are looking for real-time chart's quote you should consider to pay for the service. Thare are many sites where you can get data feed as http://www.marketfeed.com , http://www.esignal.com , http://www.quotes.com , etc. A hug. Lars
Try qcharts at http://finance.lycos.com/home/qcharts/default.asp The software allows you to pull up historical quotes down to 5 minute ticks and download to EXCEL spreadsheet for processing.