I'm looking for a free (or cheap) intraday chart of the emini. Not real time. I looked through all the old posts and couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for. Does this thing trade 24 hours?
There is always this, if you want to call this a chart: http://www.cme.com/prices/charts.cfm If you go straight to http://www.barchart.com/ And check the chart option in the 'select a commodity/future' section, then on the left chose custom charts, you'll get something a bit better. And yes, those things do trade 24 hrs (almost.) voodoo ps. the above are free, I'm sure there are many more 'cheap' options.
Nextrend is currently offering real time e-mini quotes free for six months. I use it and it's pretty good. Not a great charting package but it works for intraday.
I can't find anywhere INTRADAY HISTORICAL 1 or 5-min charts for indicies or futures. For example an intraday chart of Nasdaq100 index from 5th April 2000. Maybe someone knows where to look for it. Please, add a direct link. ( I don't believe this can be a free service ). DT-waw
Nextrend is currently offering real time e-mini quotes free for six months. I use it and it's pretty good. Not a great charting package but it works for intraday. This is a CME offer, not specific to Nextrend. If you are already paying for a data feed/charting package from any of the major data vendors, then you should be able to request real time data from CME free of charge. voodoo
Futuresource.com has good historical and intraday charts. Also check out Tradesignals regular charts + java applet with several years of daily data for the S&P, intraday data and ablity to draw trendlines and fib grid. Nextrend is not good for historical data, actually it sucks 'cause you have to scroll and try to draw trendlines with it.