Historical Buys / Sells for Puts & Calls

Discussion in 'Options' started by TradeBuster00, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. I've searched through the forums and unable to find what I was looking for. I've been looking at LiveVol and while they identify buys and sells at puts and calls - they don't offer this from a historical perspective. My question is: where can I find historical buys and sells for calls, and buys and sells for puts?

  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Are you asking for last sale data for options?
  3. Is this not what you are asking for?
    Contains the following columns:

    underlying_symbol quote_datetime sequence_number root expiration strike option_type exchange_id trade_size trade_price trade_condition_id canceled_trade_condition_id best_bid best_ask underlying_bid underlying_ask number_of_exchanges {exchange bid_size bid ask_size ask}[number_of_exchanges]
  4. Thanks so much for the quick replies. Robert - the answer to your question is yes.

    Stepandfetchit that is exactly the data I'm looking for! The challenge however - I'm looking for this data for about 500 symbols which would be price prohibitive, any idea how I can get what I need for a better price?
  5. Nope! However, I only looked at LiveVol's data, so perhaps others have a better answer! (I do not use that data personally)
  6. ironchef


    Is this what you are looking for? Example, on 11-21-18, historical call option prices for SPY 12/21/18 call strike $265.


    The data went back only about 4 months and only recorded trades so if/when there were no trades, the value is 0. But it is free from my broker.