Hillary on the ropes

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CaptainObvious, May 11, 2013.

  1. jem


    bush and establishment Rs have the social conservatives

    The true conservatives and libertarians pissed off that no one is representing them after they get tons of lip service by just about every politician during the campaigns. Even Obama talked like fiscal conservative.

    a little sequest spending cut an look the the budget starts to come into balance. just like we said.

    whereas all you lefties were preaching the end of the world.
    #31     May 11, 2013
  2. I will say yet again, if you fiscals would make a public divorce from the socials, you will have the next President. You might need a third party. The GOP is afraid to tell the evangelicals and the hard right to go to hell. Everyone I know did not vote FOR Obama as much as they voted AGAINST Mittens.

    The idiots in the GOP were afraid to let moderate Mitt out of his cage until it was too late. They damned themselves. Mittens is liberal enuf to carry a lot of votes with people who are pro gay, pro amnesty, pro woman and pro minority. Mittens track record in Mass. was that of a Progressive. Then he said a bunch of dumb stuff in the GOP primary, and the rep as a flip flopper. Now when the GOP runs Christie, hopefully they will have learned the lesson. If not, get ready for Hillary.
    #32     May 11, 2013
  3. pspr


    How's that gun bill coming?

    Have you heard about Benghazi yet? How about the illegal IRS targeted audits? Maybe Sequester? How about the Obamacare train wreck? The Syrian "Red Line" fiasco? The Iran nuke problem that will come to a head later this year?

    Any of that stuff ring a bell with you, liberal?
    #33     May 11, 2013
  4. I happen to agree with the NRA on guns.

    The appropriate people will be terminated with the IRS, and that story will go away.

    The GOP will lighten the sequester themselves when it is time to raise the debt ceiling.

    Obamacare, well, we will have to see about that. Allied Health is skittish about it.

    The Syrian Red is the Neocons beating war drums, and is about as effective an issue as the birther silliness.

    Israel will address Iran on the nukes.
    #34     May 11, 2013
  5. Oh, Bengahzi, that is right up there with birtherism too.
    #35     May 11, 2013
  6. pspr


    First, we weren't talking about YOU. We were talking about Progressives.

    Second, if you think there is nothing to worry about in those issues for Democraps/Progressives, you don't understand the problem. Simple as that.

    #36     May 11, 2013
  7. These "Issues" you present will wind up just like all of your other "Issues"

    Because clearly, you HAVE "Issues"
    #37     May 11, 2013
  8. right obama & hillary do the equivalent of locking all the doors to the floor ( hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep) during a code blue and blaming the florist for the patients death and you defend them.

    Not only are you stupid and dishonest, you're a putz through and through.

    I can't believe anybody that has worn the US uniform in the last 150 yrs could be as despicable and cavalier about DERELICTION OF DUTY.
    #38     May 11, 2013
  9. I don't have enuf details about that. That's what investigations are for. It is nothing compared to Bush allowing 3000 Americans to be killed when they knew about the attack.
    #39     May 11, 2013
  10. You don't have the details? :eek:
    Fuck boy!, the essential details have been available for 8-9 months now.
    You're playing the same game as odumbo :You mistakenly feel that ignoring the facts gives you "plausible deniability".

    that's just laughable but alas exactly what we expect from an affirmative action prezident and AA jock supporter (that would be you rcg).
    #40     May 11, 2013